
The Most Bankable Summer Stars

知名的財經雜誌富比士選出了今夏最有票房保證的幾個明星,Bale 也入列囉。他是第七名。

7. Christian Bale

成為蝙蝠俠的 Christian Bale 打破了歷史票房,只是 Bale 是否能以終結者系列再創高峰?眾人關注的焦點都在這位演員身上,不單單是因為他出人意表的轉變,他螢幕後的醜聞更讓他登上了新聞頭條。Bale 也會與 Johnny Depp 及 Marion Cotillard 一起在 Michale Mann 的頭號公敵中演出。

Star Currency Score: 8.490
Christian Bale as Batman was record-breaking, but will Bale as the Terminator be as big? All eyes are on the actor this summer, not only due to his turn as the machinated assassin, but due to off-screen antics that have made headlines. Bale will also appear in Michael Mann's Public Enemies with Johnny Depp and Marion Cotillard.
