"I never thought I'd be in a movie where they would make a doll out of me. That is a bit of a trippy one, but not something I've not dwelled on too much. Hopefully [it's] something my daughter will one day be able to enjoy--sinking it in the pool or blowing it up."
I don't think I was particularly in need of superheroes. I never had any fascination with Superman or Spider-Man or a Batman kind of character. If it happened at all, it was imagined characters that I had invented. My dad was a role model for me. He was a fascinating man. There was intrigue and entertainment growing up with him. He gave me an edict that I still pursue: "Life should never be boring.
當他談到影迷 Baleheads 的時候...
Christian Bale 的影迷會自稱為 Baleheads,Baleheads 為了這位演員而聚資一千塊美金捐給 Dian Fossey Gorilla 基金會領養了名為 Nahimana 的猩猩寶寶。Bale 私下資助這個基金會(註:Bale 跟 Sibi 都是這個基金會的贊助者)。「這讓我覺得我好像在聚集幫派。」Bale 對 Entertainment Weekly 開玩笑地說「以後如果有人不肯讓我參與某個角色的演出,他們將會在信箱中收到有蛇的包裹。」
Bale's fans, who call themselves Baleheads, are so devoted to the actor that they once raised more than $1,000 to "adopt" a baby gorilla, named Nahimana, with the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund, one of the actor's favorite charities. "I sort of feel like I'm creating the Mob or something," Bale joked to Entertainment Weekly. "People are going to start getting snakes through their post (the mail) if they don't give me a part."
2008七月第 42 期Shortlist 中問 Bale 說「你擁有一大群十分崇拜你的影迷,他們自稱 Baleheads。那些影迷的崇拜對你來說是否很重要?」
Bale 回答說「我們將揭桿而起,征服世界!」
Shortlist (Issue 42, 2008) Questioned : You have this big cult following known as Baleheads. Is that cult reputation important to you?
Bale : We will rise up and take over the world!
*** *** ***
最後一句最可愛了,因為他是要跟影迷在一起征服世界。那個 We 用得有感心。