
His Devotion

From Director Commentary (Brad Anderson)
This is probably ??? Christian as well, because it was so intense, physically and emotionally intense. This was ??? he was really exhausted. He lost weight, he continuously lost weight while making this movie. He was tired, and this was not easy for him, playing stretch(?) just physicality of it. I think we did a new ?? we did a lot of cover(?) of this scene. About end of this, he was just like, like on the floor, like exhausted, because he couldn't stand up, he just lay there??
DVD 導演講評(Brad Anderson)
這對 Christian 來說是場非常緊繃情緒高昂的戲,不管是在身體或者是心裡方面都是很激烈的戲。拍這場戲讓他很累壞了。他減重,在拍片期間他還是持續減重。他非常的疲勞,所以這不是一場簡單的戲,在身體上他需要花很大的氣力。這場戲我們拍了很多個版本,所以當這場戲結束的同時,他就整個人幾乎倒在地板上,筋疲力竭的倒在地板上,因為他已經站不起來的,他只能躺在那邊。
