Bale's Quote (9)
The only thing that I'm obsessed with is sleeping and, actually, it is more than an obsession, it is a pleasure. I love sleeping so much that I could do it 12 hours a day if I didn't have to turn on the alarm clock .
CB: 我的初戀是其中那個黑髮的(ABBA 的歌手)。
訪談者:她叫 Frida。
CB: 她叫做 Frida?我有個低級的故事,我的故事會讓我看起來像個怪小孩。我記得有一次我想像著,如果 ABBA 在我家門口發生車禍會怎樣?就是她,她頭上受了重傷。之後我照顧她,幫她在頭上綁上一圈繃帶,直到她康復。(註:他不會又在胡扯了吧?)
CB: My first crush was on the dark-haired one (ABBA singer)
Interviewer: Frida.
CB: Was that her name? It’s a nasty little story. I sound like a real sick little twisted kid. I remember thinking one time, What if ABBA had a car crash outside my front door? And it was her, and she had a really bad head injury. And I sort of nursed her back to health while she had a big bandage around her head.
與 Drew Barrymore 的約會
CB: (笑)嗯,當時我十三歲,我剛剛拍完『太陽帝國』,我是個多感的小男孩,而她已經是個發育良好的女孩。我在 Amblin 的拱門旁邊嬉鬧著,此時體態豐腴的她突然走到我身邊,我的腦袋一陣聲響。我杵在原地,她問我要不要一起去看場電影,我說好。我們去看了部非常可怕的恐怖片,約會就這樣結束了。她也沒再打電話給我。
CB: (Laughs) Well, I was 13, and I’d just done Empire of the Sun, and I was a young, impressionable lad. She was quite a well-developed girl, and I was standing playing the arcade at Amblin, and suddenly this voluptuous figure arrived beside me, and I thought, Bing! I was quite stunned, and she asked if I wanted to go see a film, so I did. We went to see some bloody awful horror film, and that was the end of it. She never called again.
張貼留言 (Atom)
4 則留言:
然後他是要說Drew倒把他嗎 哈哈哈
Drew 很喜歡他是業界都知道的,就算人家已經名草有主,還一直說著要是他走近她,她會昏倒之類的。
其實 Drew 跟我們一樣就是個影迷?
小心啊,Sibi 姐看樣子管很緊的。Bale 結婚後,在首映的時就很少碰片中女生。
Drew 的片種啊,似乎都是 Bale 大爺不太想碰的。