
2007/03/25: Stunt Driving Weekend

Thanks to hapapower for the video and Flickr Photos

從 Falco san 以及コロンさん那邊看到了 Bale 跟 Sibi 姊姊一起參加 Stunt Driving Course(特技駕車課程)的影片及照片。

Stunt driving weekend. Christian is one of the greatest actors of our era. Lucky to have spent the weekend crashing into pylons with him.
週末特技駕車課程。Christian 是當代最優秀的演員之一。我們很幸運的與他一起闖進停機棚度過週末。

Stunt driving weekend. Both were really nice and down to earth. Christian is one of the greatest actors of our era.
(註:來吧!英文的 down to earth 就是「腳踏實地」的意思)

根據這位提供影片以及照片的先生說,Bale 在參加完這個課程的兩個禮拜後就開始了 The Dark Knight 的拍攝。這位大哥真的不到拍戲就不肯把鬍子剃掉呢!真是一個積極討好老婆的甜心老公。

好喜歡 Sibi 姊姊低調著裝扮喔。Bale 從後面座位探出頭來讓人家拍照的姿態也好可愛喔!

啊!現在 HBO 正在播 Shaft!

補充補充!Bale 因為收到這位先生的 Video 所以回信給他說:
"It was a shame you didn't get to finish the test, it was a lot of fun being put on the spot like that at the end of a long day. Neither Sibi nor I passed, but Sibi got so damn close, she only failed on the last parking box, as she was a couple inches wide.

Good meeting you & thanks again for sending the video.

「很可惜你沒能通過測試,過了一整天的課程能夠待在定點(讓特技車繞來繞去)真的很有趣。我跟 Sibi 都沒過關,不過 Sibi 就差那麼一點點,她就只失敗在最後的停車點,她才差幾吋而已。


所以看樣子 Sibi 開車的技術比 Bale 高超呢。
