Bale 的眼鏡不算太大,但是他有對會說話的眼睛。不管是微微的顫抖,還是疑惑的眨眼,或者是泛紅出水的眼眶,他大小適中的 Hezel Eyes 總能適時的將角色的感情放出來。
圖為 The Machinist 的 Making,他正認真的聽著導演 Brad Anderson 的指示。因為消瘦而顯得突出的眼睛,配合著日語所謂的「上目遣」(就是正妹們拍照的那種眼睛往上看的動作),略顯嬌小的 Bale 變得十分可愛。也難怪英文中要稱這種惹人愛憐的眼神為 "Bambi Eyes"(小鹿斑比眼神)囉。
喔對了,台灣出版的 Machinist 是沒有 Making 的!請買到美國版。這就是獨立製片的悲哀啊。
4 則留言:
i dislike some actors because they have "dead" eyes(Keanu Reeves for example)or "empty" eyes(Ryan Reynolds) or when you can see in their eyes,they are NOT convinced by what they acted(Wahlberg in "lovely bones" or Worthington in "clash of titans")
CB believes in what he acts!
acting is not only have an expressive face.In France, we say "les eyes sont les miroirs de l'âme" "the eyes are the mirrors of the soul"
In Chinese, we say "The eyes are the windows of the soul", and I also wrote this in this post. :)
I don't see lots of the movies but I agree with you about Keanu's eyes. I couldn't feel he is in love in "Lake House".
原來憐愛的眼睛叫bambie eyes喔~我看Bale都習慣拿他跟片中其他演員相比~我覺得用眼神演戲的演員沒有人比他更厲害的了!演什麼都能正確表達他的內心戲~就算是BB或是TDK演蝙蝠俠我都很喜歡他的眼神~
對的,這是 TDK 時候的宣傳照,由 Ferd 提供,我已經更新囉。他真的是個非常有味道的男人。