News Source: Movie Line
這幾天 Inception 小組正在英國做首映宣傳。Michael Caine 爺爺被問到了他在 Inception 中的角色時,他用他濃厚的英國腔說他當過很多人的爹。之後記者繼續問關於 Batman 3 的消息,他便說「我認為我們應該會在四月時候開拍」
基本上我覺得這個消息的可能性是蠻高的啦。The Dark Knight 也是在四月開拍的,Batman Begins 是在三月開拍的。兩次的蝙蝠俠都拍超過半年,後面加上後製,然後在 2012 年的暑假上映,這是頗為合理的時間。
5 則留言:
between the end of Inception's release date,Award Prizes,Terrence Malick movie and "the fighter" promo and the begining of the filming,the end of the year'll be crazy for Nolan and Bale!
Funny CB has almost nothing to do(Lonnng Holiday)during 15 months and soon he'll overburden with work
I don't know if he will be one of the members in award shows, everyone knows he is ignored by awards for years. *shrug*
Terrence Malick's new film is still without title. Maybe this is what Malick is about. He seems to keep everything in low-profile? I hope Bale can really start to work with Malick this autumn. If he starts Batman 3, Bale will be occupied by Batsuit for around half year.
It's funny to compare how he was during the year of 2002-2004. No job for over 18 months, He was too poor to even keep his house. Then during 2009-2010 now, he is too rich to work.
He should balance his work loading. Don't you think so? :P
when i talk about Academy Awards, i talks for Nolan because he can't be snubbed this year(Inception 's reviews are so great that it's shady)
and about Terrence Malick's movie,Rachel McAdams had been seen in Bartlesville recently(Malick's native town) , Malick is in LA actually(for Tree of Life) and the movie was sold for international in Cannes
Do you think Inception this kind of sci-fi movie will be loved by Academy? I quite doubt it.
Let's cross our fingers. Looking forward to seeing him starting working with Malick before Batman.