Thanks to twitter memeber candleria for the photo
Thanks to ripley-clarice-scarlett & T_Huxley
for the information from Twitter
Thanks to ripley-clarice-scarlett & T_Huxley
for the information from Twitter
今天在會員很多的 IMDb 討論版上,看到了兩位會員在 twitter 上找到了目擊到 Bale 出現在 DCFS (Department of Children & Family Service) 的消息。Twitter 會員 candleria 也提供了 Bale 的照片。笑容滿面的他,讓影迷的我看了都替他開心。知道他在私底下默默地而且看來頗快樂的忙著公益活動,而且他看來是相當認真的想要建立增進弱勢兒童福利的機構,讓我對這個演員更加傾心。
2 則留言:
Candleria posted another with her lucky sister and CB! i'm very jealous LOL
Thanks for the information. :)
I am jealous, too!
His smiles tells everything. He is happy and relaxed. How I love his smile.
oh, he is so busy. (LOL)