這位大哥,這位A咖,從去年七月以後到現在就都沒在工作。我們只能從迪士尼樂園看到他,從越野車教室看到他,偶而從 LAX 機場看到他。他身邊的攝影機都只有狗仔攝影機,沒有打板器。當然啦,看到他快快樂樂的陪著女王與公主過日子是很替他高興,只是... 身為影迷的我畢竟只能透過電影作品看到他,他不工作就表示我看不到他。
雖然 The Fighter 傳說是在 12/10 上映,可是到現在連個官方站也沒個影,連個 Trailer 的 T 都還看不到,這不得讓人擔心上映的時間是否會有變動。
也有人期待著他會參加 Nolan 的 Inception 在 L.A. 的首映。只是依他不是那麼喜愛拋頭露臉的個性,我覺得可能性是很低啦。不過要是他出現了,應該有不少人期待著看他與李奧先生會是怎樣的互動。
雖然當初說過會在秋天開拍 Terrence Malick 的新片,而且他最近似乎又瘦了一圈可能是為了拍片做準備。不過 Terrence 素以慢吞吞聞名,這又是個難以確定幾時開始的企劃。
5 則留言:
he will work again one day!!LOL
He is A-lister, of course he will work again.
Is he the A-lister who works less than others?
Sometimes he is too low-profile to make my think he is not even the A-lister.
he takes holidays to people forget (a few) his rant and i remember he said in GQ mag he was tired to see his face and also he takes a good time with Sibi & his daughter
I do envy Bale, how comes he can do that...no work, no pressure(maybe he has..haha)just play with her princess and ride moto all day long!!
I really want to see his new movies!!
Mel Gibson's rant reminds everyone about Bale. I am not very comfortable with this situation, actually.
Without working, his little girl will not need to suffer father's change. Like accent change, hairstyle change...
I believe he does face some pressure while working. I think he is kind of like the perfectionist. He must suffer pressure because of this. But, well... he earns much more than us. He can earns our whole life salary by 7 months of working + 1 month of promotion, :P