這兩天我到 UK 的 amazon 買了 Prince of Jutland(美國片名為:Royal Deceit)。除非必要,不然我是不會想去買到 UK 版 PAL 規格幫自己找麻煩的。美國版與英國版最大的不同是,美國版只有 85 分鐘,UK 的有 103 分鐘,聽說這部片上演當年是將近三個小時的。(或者更久?我忘記了)
雖然這部片的整體真的很... 糟?看了上面我從 DVD 上面拍到的評語,你就可以發現影評是真的可以用錢買的。Powerful? Are you kidding me? 這部片說它是「癒し系」(療癒系)還有可能,但 Powerful?哈哈哈哈哈~不好意思,我笑了。
再次強調,我是 Balehead 喔~(笑)
我當初去到日本時去 Falco 家裡看完了 UK 版整部電影。呃... 雖然那將近二十分鐘的戲份並無法拯救這整部片的可笑(哈),但是在劇情上的完整度來講,UK 版的真的是好很多。它多交代了更多國王被暗殺的過程以及我們的王子發瘋以及之後又愛上鄰國(應該是隔壁村莊)公主的經過。
在 Youtube 上,Baleheads Blog 的 Webmaster Dina 上傳了一些 Prince of Jutland 在美國版 DVD 中被刪除的開頭片段。(Thanks, Dina. The original opening is much more better than the American DVD one) 有興趣的人可以參考一下。注意,內含有裸露鏡頭。
2 則留言:
I'm sorry I write in English here, and I hope I post this well, because I don't understand the language, though it looks so beautiful. I agree with you, Marco. I don't get why they removed those opening scenes. It looks cropped and makes no sense to a viewer. Anyway, we baleheads know the truth, he..he..! Happy weekend to you and your readers *balehugs*
My mother language is Chinese, by the way, there are 2 kind of Chinese, mine is Traditional one, China use simplified one. Agree with you, the language is beautiful. Thank you :)
I bought the US DVD first, and I saw the UK DVD with Falco last year. (Happy & amazing experience). I just placed the order in amazon UK to get the UK one.
Agree with you again. the 103 min version one is much more reasonable than 85 min one. I was told the original length was more than 2.5 hours?
Happy Weekend, too. *balehugs back*