Thanks to Limboisland... Well, you know who she is :)
The Fighter 的拖車!不是,Trailer 預告片來啦!千呼萬喚啊!
今天早上,親愛的 pomme 留言說 The Fighter 的 Trailer 中於是出了。趕緊跑到 Falco San 的地方看... 這下子好了,我今天上不了班了!我被擊沈了。
The Fighter Movie Official Site
iTune Movie Trailers
God... Isn't he amazing?!
My Be@ribricks are watching "The Fighter" Trailer! :)
Happy~ Dancing~ Singing~
Happy~ Dancing~ Singing~
7 則留言:
the trailer is too predictable with his too obvious music and his conventional structure whereas the people who saw the movie in screen test said the movie was very likeable and refreshing .
I want more Adams,Leo(where is she in the trailer?) and Bale .
I guess the production doesn't want to worry too much people with a R rated dramedy
The tempo of this movie is very likable, I think. Although the BGM is too loud, it covers the voice from the character.
I like Adams, she is a sweetheart. I don't know Leo that much, but I always prefer seeing more actress because their acting is much more colorful than male. (Bale is definitely a exception).
I remember there are lots of F words (based on the extras' experience). It will not be a blockbuster movie, so I think it is OK to be rated as "R".
我今天加班十點多到家很難得地開了電視, 結果...竟然在HBO看到搶救黎明耶XDDD~
貝爾的這部片我還沒看過(對軍事戰爭片有點...), 但就這樣把最後精華的半小時看完了, 看到迪特回到軍中同袍的結局好想哭Q^Q~ 抱著同伴說他會去生火, 生很大很大的火那段也好想哭Q^Q~ 他真是個容易讓人產生母性(?)的好演員T^T~
加班辛苦啦!我是今天上班一大早就看到 trailer,整個人心都飛了。
Rescue Dawn 不是戰爭片喔,那只是剛開始因戰爭而造成 Dieter (Bale)的處境。我非常喜歡 RD,因為他演的小人物故事並不偉大,但只是堅持自己樂觀的想法。非常推薦這片。
My dad disagreed with me.
He thinks if the movie is as engaging and likeable as people say it,it's a good beginning because between the dark "inception","black swan","social network","true grit",a feel-good underdog movie is an interesting opportunity
My boyfriend hope the next trailer will be more dynamic and focused more on the other characters
someone who saw the movie in screen test confirms the movie is well better than the trailer
As long as Mr. Bale is in the film, I, frankly speaking, don't mind if it is good or not... :P
I am a blind fan! I will still love him (and his acting) even he is not nominated & awarded.
Let's wait to see the stills and the new trailers. And pray what the screen test viewers said is true!