從迷上這名演員開始,若發現 DVD 內有導演講評的話,不管是否有中文翻譯,我一定會把導演講評轉來聽一遍。當然,聽不懂還是很多,但是一旦出現與 Bale 相關的講評我一定會用力聽,聽看看導演對這位演員的意見有哪些。
也就是因為聽了很多導演對他的想法,或者是他們拍戲間的小插曲,讓我對他更加地佩服。他似乎不是個需要透過導演指導太多的演員,他跟 Nolan 之間據他自己所說「不須言語溝通,一個表情就夠」兩個人似乎是以心靈感應在對談。Equilibrium 的導演還說「他比我對 Preston 的了解更加深入。」
如果這個演員只有一張帥臉加上一副被定義為完美身材的外在條件而已的話,以我往年的記錄... 男演員我能喜歡超過兩個月就很偷笑了。或許是因為身為影迷,所以看他的演技會看得比較認真,看多了他的片會讓我驚艷他在演戲方面的「天才」。因為他似乎很有能力可以透析到角色的個性進而表現出角色當下該有的反應,並且很貼切地演出來。
但說他是個天才也太對不起他,因為他是個非常用心又投入的演員。撇開身體上的變化不談... Russell 曾開玩笑說「問個你曾在拍片過程中問過導演的聰明問題吧。」為何可以問出聰明的問題?他一定在腦袋中思考了很久,推論出角色的想法。

無法想像由其他演員怎樣演出 Melvin Purvis... 我覺得這是個不好演的角色。
6 則留言:
i really likes him in Purvis because i don't know if Purvis is a bad guy or a nice guy.I know mant people dislike him in PE because he's cold here but i believe the real trouble is he's not a very likeable character and it's unusual(he can torture a guy but disliked when a woman is beaten but can threaten a woman ...)
There is no bad guys and good guys in PE, I think. I know some of the audiences dislike him because he is more like "Bad guy" then good guy. There is no much background about him in PE, that's why audiences hate him. I read lots of Bale's interview before coming to the theater, that made me difficult to hate him.
I think the scene when the torture was happening in his back, it's hard to say "he agrees with the torture". He doesn't like that, but he has no idea how to avoid that.
No matter how the audience think, I believe both Mann & Bale are very satisfied with the final result.
By the way, in the last sentence of this post, I said: Melvin Purvis is not a easy role to play. Agree?
我好喜歡小梅在電影中抿嘴的動作, 那種隱忍的感覺帶著緊繃的美感~
我想我最愛貝爾的部份應該是他總能把很表面的角色演得很有層次, 給他們生命~
Thanks! :)
證明了某個 Bale 迷所說的:喜歡他的都是 S!