Thanks to heart_and_hoof @Baleheads.com
for the DVD extra. :)
for the DVD extra. :)
關於 Bale 的角色 Chris,他的想法是:
「在 Chris 與 Tony 打架的那場戲中,大家可以看到 Chris 的本性其實是個熱情十足的人。在我眼中,Chris 的個性是沈靜的,他把祕密都鎖在他心裡。不過,一旦這樣的人喪失了冷靜,他就會爆發。」(註:聽起來很像他在講他自己)「我們無法為那場戲拍太多次,因為在第一次的 take 時,他便往我下顎揮了一拳,然後我起身甩了他一巴掌。那是我臨時加進去的,因為我覺得那場戲需要的就是真實。」
有關裡面幾場與 Elsa 與 Emily 的床戲:
他還說,當他們在巴黎拍戲那段期間,剛好遇到了史上最冷的冬天。因為冷到下顎都凍住了,他甚至有時候沒辦法順利將台詞念出來。在每個 take 之間,工作人員得把他們包得緊緊的,也因此 Emily 跟他活像兩顆帶皮煮的馬鈴薯(應該就是被包得圓滾滾的意思吧?)。
製作人 Andrew Bendel 談到他:
「與 Christian 一起工作的經驗非常美妙。他是個好演員,非常地放得開。他是個能夠一起輕鬆工作的夥伴,而且他樂在其中。很多時候我們都笑成一團。」
這是 heart_and_hoof 提供的英文原文部份:
About his character, Chris:
"In the fighting scene with Tony, you can see how passionate he really is. I see Chris as someone who is very quiet, who always keeps things to himself. But when such a guy loses his composure, he'll explode." "We couldn't have done it several times more. During the first take he hit me in the jaw when I got up and slapped him. I improvised that. It had to be very realistic."
When asked about the sex scenes with Elsa and Emily, he said:
"When I read the script it didn't bother me. But on the first day of shooting these scenes, I thought I was going to die. I was standing in a room full of people and I was the only one naked. It was really unnerving at first, but then I got used to it pretty quickly. We had a lot of fun."
He also said that when they were shooting in Paris, it was one of the coldest winters in history, and sometimes he had trouble delivering his lines because his jaw was frozen. They would wrap him up in thermofoil between takes so that he and Emily Watson looked like jacket potatoes most of the time.
And here's what the producer, Andrew Bendel, had to say about him:
"Working with Christian was fantastic. He is a very good actor, very open. He was very easy to work with, and he made it great fun. We were laughing all the time."