With Russell Crowe
「Russell 擅長招集大家一起。我們會在騎馬騎個三小時之後,轉個彎,就會看到 Russell 安排好的 BBQ 烤肉會。也可能是三小時讓我們搞不清楚狀況的情形,我們就會一起坐下,喝杯啤酒加上烤肉,之後繼續騎馬。接下來的轉角就是一連串的槍戰,所以我們又在槍林彈雨中一個小時。能夠成為其中一員,真的是太棒了。」Bale 笑著說。
"Russell was very good at getting people together,'' he says. "We would be riding horses for three hours, then we would turn a corner and there would be a barbecue that Russell had arranged. It would be three hours down the track and we had no idea. So we would sit down, have a couple of beers and a barbecue, then keep riding.
"Then around the next corner would be a whole bunch of guns, so we would shoot for an hour,'' Bale laughs. "It was great to be a part of.''
*** *** ***
3:10 to Yuma 的宣傳期間,看得到 Bale 歷年來最愉快的最 easy 的神色。
張貼留言 (Atom)
2 則留言:
少爺還是那麼可愛!(拇指)穿西裝的時候最像BB中的少爺!(有雙重fan身分真是對心臟不好 >///< ←?)
Russell 大哥因為不太注重身材... 然後 Bale 又很難得在獨立製片的首映中穿得比較正式帥氣(那個時候他剛好在拍 TDK),所以一整個 Russell 就好像個大嬸。而 Bale 就顯得很小家碧玉(爆!)。
我現在已經搞不清楚你講的雙重生活指的是啥啦~ *o*