對 Christian Bale 發花癡記錄 & 不負責任翻譯
my translator became crazy with your articles :DOT: i'm happy to learn BatJesus wears black underwear(i guess boxer):P on the new banner
pomme,Don't bother translating them, nothing new, plus some mis-translation. (The reporter says Bale drank water to lose weight. What the ...!)heehee, you notice that, too? I love the black boxer as well :D
2 則留言:
my translator became crazy with your articles :D
OT: i'm happy to learn BatJesus wears black underwear(i guess boxer):P on the new banner
Don't bother translating them, nothing new, plus some mis-translation. (The reporter says Bale drank water to lose weight. What the ...!)
heehee, you notice that, too? I love the black boxer as well :D