
Finally! We Get the Press Conference Audio!

Source: Collider.com

喔耶~打從知道記者會在 11/20 開後,我就在等著 Collider.com 將錄音檔放上去。終於到今天我們能夠聽到整場約三十分鐘的記者會。Christian Bale 與 Amy Adams、Mark Wahlberg、Melissa Leo 還有導演 David O' Russell 一起出席記者會。Collider 向來有把整場記者會化成文字的服務,這次還是維持了這良好的傳統。我之後會翻譯,但是還是很希望大家有機會可以看看原文練英文囉。

聽錄音檔可以聽得出來那天的他顯得輕鬆愉快,這是他最喜歡的記者會形態,也就是「人一堆我可以不用一直講話」的那種。其中還因為手機不斷響,他還笑得很大聲。他真的很可愛呢。 :) 這段記者會的他帶著些許的英國腔,這是讓我最難招架的部份了。啊...


這是我最喜歡的部份。David O' Russell 對 Bale 的描述

David: You know, the funny thing in life is, I think in a funny way Christian is more like Mickey and Mark is more like Dickie and not in a bad way, but in the operator way and in the talkie-talk way. Christian is more of a quiet guy and it was very interesting to watch him hang out with Dickie and inhale Dickie and have them hang out together and people who’d come up on the set would be like oh, they thought that was Dickie. And then it kind of led him to talk to everybody all the time because Dickie just never shuts up. So Christian would go around talking to everybody. Good luck, try making that happen when he’s not Dickie. And then Mickey, as they say, Mickey never says two words. Mickey will just take it. He’ll take five punches to give one and he’ll let everybody say everything and he won’t say nothing and he’ll let Dickie do all the talking. So that was a very interesting role for each of these guys.

David: 在現實中最有趣的一件事是 Christian 其實比較像 Mickey 而 Mark 比較像 Dickie,我指的像是好的方面的類似,是他那滔滔不決的說話習慣。Christian 相對來說是個安靜的,所以看著他與 Dickie 混在一起、將 Dickie 吸收進去、看著他們兩個在一起,進到拍片現場的人會誤以為 Christian 是真的 Dickie。 Dickie 會不斷地與片場的人聊天,因為 Dickie 就是嘴巴動不停。於是 Christian 也到處跑與大家聊天,當他不是 Dickie 的時候他還是試著與大家聊天。而 Micky,就像大家所說的他話不過兩字,這就是 Micky 的個性。他會給揮個五拳然後說句話後,其他就交給別人講,他會保持安靜讓 Dickie 代言。所以對這些演員來說,這是非常有趣的角色。
