
What Happened?! :")

在看到這段 Fighter Christian Bale 版的特集時,對於這個畫面一直很有「意見」?:-D

到底是怎怎樣的情況下,Bale 會如此吃驚,而導演 Russell 會做出有如拜託的手勢,讓 Wahlberg 只能默默地在旁邊看著?


3 則留言:

pomme 提到...

O Russel confess headache story with Nolan

Marco 提到...


O. Russell had headache because of Nolan?! I didn't know that.

pomme 提到...

i explain badly:there is a gossip about O Russel doing a headlock(not headache) on Nolan at a party because of Jude Law(what an idea!?)who hesitated to work between the 2 directors .