Source: New York Post
聽說這篇文章的作者是個尖酸刻薄的女記者,不過她似乎很欣賞 Bale 這對夫妻。她選 Christian Bale 以及 Sibi Bale 為 NBR 最佳夫妻。
Gorgeous-in-person Christian, long hair, short beard, could be up for Best Supporting for "The Fighter": "I did every take six times. Each different. Thank God we could trust great film editors to know what to do and pick. And they did. A Melissa Leo scene made me a little nervous because it was one take only. But our wonderful director, David Russell, knew exactly what to do." About wife Sibi, a former fashion model? "We're married 11 years. She's everything. I love her very much. And we have a daughter."
(不工作的 Christian Bale 看起來相當的高貴。他有著一頭長髮,一臉短鬍,他極可能會因為 The Fighter 而拿下最佳男配角獎。「我每個 Take 都拍六次,每次都用不同的方式演出。感謝上帝,我們的編輯師知道要選出哪個最好的 Take,而且他們真的選得很好。與 Melissa Leo 的那場戲(指的是 Dicky 唱歌給媽媽聽的那段戲)讓我蠻緊張的,因為我們只拍了一個 Take。(也就是一鏡到底)我們偉大的導演 David Russell 很清楚該怎麼處理。」提到前模特兒的妻子 Sibi 時,他說「我們結婚已經十一年了,她是我的所有,我非常愛她。而且,我們有個女兒。」)