
Russian Interview. Thanks to Guccissima in Baleheads.com

以下是由 Guccissima (Baleheads.com) 提供的英語翻譯。本來是俄語的 The Fighter 相關訪談,裡面有一些有趣的點,在徵得 Guccissima 的同意之後,我將英文翻譯成中文與大家分享。
* 當記者問到他是否考察了吸毒的行為時,Christian 說他沒有,他只針對餘 Dickie 還有其人生做了考察,其他人的吸毒情況他就沒有太注意(註:他曾到過 Dickie 也去過的吸毒屋)。他也去找了在洛杉磯的某個幫忙醫治毒癮的醫生,他與醫生談了毒癮還有成癮的各個階段。有趣的是,醫生並不相信他是為了角色研究而去找他。拍攝的過程中,醫生不斷地傳簡訊給 Christian,因為他很擔心 Christian 是否需要毒癮上的協助。(Bale 談著這段過去時笑了)之所以醫生會有這樣的反應,那是因為當 Christian 去找醫生的那時候,他減重已經在進行中,而且已經慢慢地像 Dickie 了,醫生因此認為 Christian 對他說謊(騙他說自己沒有毒癮)。之後電影完成後,他再次與醫生見了面,Christian 問醫生說「你真的以為我是為了自己找你的?而不是因為角色?」醫生開始笑著回答說:因為很多人跑來找他會說是自己的朋友或者是親戚有毒癮問題,他搞不清楚 Christian 是不是也跟其他人一樣。(Christian 再次笑了)

* Christian 常說他喜歡演「好角色」,記者問他說到底怎樣的才算是好角色?Christian 就說一切都是靠直覺,並且不要試著分析太多,其餘的留給影評。Christian 並沒有任何的基準,他要的就是感受到角色,並且能將角色的靈魂吸收到自己的體內。

* 記者問他說,在 Christian 沒工作時是否會看他自己演出的電影?答案是否定的。他大部分都是在首映時才看到他的電影,而且他注意的不是電影本身,他更關心的是觀眾的反應。基本上,他得看過很多次之後才能理解電影想表現的內容,也要看過很多次才能夠忘懷那些分明演員們那麼賣命卻被刪減的理由。在經過多次的觀賞後,他才能理解並接受電影最終的模樣。一般來說,他比較喜歡一個人看完成後的 DVD。

* 記者問 Christian 的女兒是否見過公主本尊 Amy Adams?Christian 回答說他並未曾看過『曼哈頓奇緣』,(註:在這篇俄文的訪談中 Christian 的女兒名字被寫了出來,只是我懷疑是記者自己寫成 Bale 講的)但是女兒喜歡的是壞蛋,如:達斯魔之類的角色。但一切都很難講的,因為女兒正處於天天都在變化的年齡,之後會有「公主時代」的來臨也說不定。(Christian 笑著說)女孩們是善變的,當哪天公主時代來臨時,他會介紹 Amy 給女兒認識。

* 訪談最後,Christian 在 1986 年時(註:拍攝 Mio Mim Mio)他本來很想在莫斯科接受訪談(註:那是『太陽帝國』之前,他討厭媒體前),他也希望有機會可以再去一次莫斯科。

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* When asked, if CB had to explore drug addicts' behavior, he said no, he only explored Dickie and his life, and he didn't care about somebody else. He even visited one doctor in LA, who deals with drug addicts, to talk about this addiction and its stages. It's funny that the doctor didn't believe that CB needed it for the role. While shooting, he kept sending SMS to Christian, worrying and asking, how he was doing and whether he needed help. [CB laughs] As CB explains, during his visit, he already started to lose weight and tried to act like Dickie. That's why the doctor suspected him of lying. When they met again after the movie was done, and CB asked whether the doc indeed thought that he was talking about himself, not about the certain role, the doctor started laughing and said, that it happens quite often, when people come to him, saying that there's a problem with their friends, relatives, and never with them. He wasn't sure about Christian either. [CB laughs again]

* CB often said that he's interested in playing good characters. Interviewer asked, what exactly is a good character for him? He answered that it's all about intuition and never analyzing anything, leaving it to critics. He doesn't have any certain criteria. He just needs to feel a character and know that he can breathe a new life into him.

* When asked, whether he watches his own movies, when he's not working, he said no. He usually watches them on premieres, and it's not the movie, but viewers' reaction to it is what interests him. Basically, he needs to watch a movie several times to finally see it the way it was supposed to be and forget about the scenes that were deleted in the end and that they worked so hard for. He needs some time to understand the movie and accept it the way it is. In general, he prefers to watch them on DVD alone, right after final cut.

* Was his daughter glad to get to meet Amy Adams, the real princess?
He didn't watch that movie, he said. Emmaline [in the interview he called her by name] loves Darth Vader and bad boys. But who knows! Now they step up into the period of inflatable castles where you can jump, crawl and roll down. There will be princesses time soon. [CB laughs] Little girls change their preferences quite often, and when it is time for the real princess, he will introduce Amy to his daughter.

* At the end, he said he'd like to make one more interview some time, maybe in Moscow where he was in 1986, and where he wants to come to one more time.
