喵的!我現在的心情就是「火冒三丈」的代表!啥米叫做 WTF?就是我現在心情的寫照!
中文訪談我就不翻譯了!我把我寫給 Falco San 的日文翻譯跟英文翻譯放在這邊,以照顧其他國家來我這邊的讀者。
為何我的標籤裡面沒有 WTF 這個東西!我想歸類到那邊去啦!喵的!
This is Marco from Taiwan. As a Chinese speaker, I would like to transcript this video, the video that Producer Zhang talking about the love scene in Flowers of War. First, I will translate the video without putting my own perspective. I will do the best to be objective. Later, you might hear my rant... So I would like to ask for apology here first... OK, here we go.
Note: the man is producer Zhang Weipin
Q: After the trailer is available, everyone is talking about the love scene which is not written in the novel. Why is the scene added? Is that something important to the story? Or it is only for movie promotion purpose?
Zhang: Based on Bale's status in Hollywood and his Oscar winning, he actually didn't want to do that scene. The reason why he finally said "yes" is because the story itself needed it. I believe after you see the movie, you will understand what I am talking about. The love between the 2 (Bale's role and the female lead) would be risen to the top by the love scene.
Q: How did you get Bale's approval to do that love scene?
Zhang: This is the first time Bale does love scene in a movie. Bale and we had been talking about the script for around half year, and the love scene actually is in the script. He knew there is love scene, but he said No to us in the beginning.
Then before we started shooting, I asked the director to ask Bale again. I did think it's really important to complete the whole film with it, we really had to do that. That was about 1 month after we started shooting. However, Bale said No again after re-thinking. His reason was because he had never done a love scene in the movie before.
What a pity he couldn't do that... I know he is the Oscar Winner, I knew I couldn't force him to do that... But I never gave up. One time I went to the set, and I asked the director how was everything going among Bale, the girls (students), and the 13 flowers. The director told me the relationship between Bale and students was tremendous, Bale would just cry if the girls cry. I thought it's a good timing to ask Bale again, I asked the director to ask Bale again when Bale is in his good mood. I told myself I had to gave up if he had said No again. But that love scene is so important, you have to do that scene to tell the audiences the love among Bale, the girls, and the 13 flowers. Bale said he could hug her (the female lead) and kiss her to show the love. But I don't think the audiences would be satisfied with only seeing the hugs and kisses, and they would be very disappointed. Then the director said he would ask Bale again. 1 weeks went by, and 2 weeks went by... Bale eventually said Yes.
*** *** ** Translation Completed *** *** ***
OK, this is Marco again. I have to say something about what I think. I will not say a lot...
First of all, I am very unhappy. No, I am not unhappy! I am pissed off!
Second, I don't feel any excitement when seeing the love scene now after I saw this video.
Third: It's better Zhang Yimou can give us a real good story, good enough to let me forget how Zhang Weipin forced Bale to do that love scene. But everyone knows Zhang Yimou never gives us a good story.
Finally: I am still pissed off!
以下為照顧日語區同好用:(感謝 Falco San 幫忙修改日文)
Producerは「いま彼の地位やOscar Winnerとして、彼はあのラブシーンは全くやりたくなかった。どうしてクリスチャンはYesだといった原因は、物語には必要だ。皆は後で映画を観たら、きっと分かると思う。あのラブシーンがあるからこそ、二人の間の感情を高めるんだ。」
「この映画でのラブシーンはクリスチャンの初めてのラブシーンだ。脚本について、クリスチャンと半年もかかって話し合っていた。あのラブシーンは元々脚本にあった。クリスチャンはラブシーンがあることを知ったけど、ラブシーンをやることにNoを出した。撮影する前に、俺はも一度監督にクリスチャンの同意をもらおうと要求した。あのラブシーンはとても大事だと思って、やらなければならないと思って、あれは映画の重要なポイントの一つだと思うんだ。絶対あのシーンが撮りたい。商売のために別にラブシーンを撮らなくてもいいけど、物語の流れにはあのシーンは絶対必要だと監督に言い切った。だから、監督に『もう一度クリスチャンに聞いて』と頼んだ。もう撮影し始めて一ヶ月も経ったところだった。クリスチャンはもう一度断った。少し考えて、断ったんだ。彼は「ラブシーンはやったことないから」と答えた。残念だと思うけど、彼はOscar Winnerだから、無理やりさせることができなかった。けど、あきらめなかったよ。撮影中にセットに行って、クリスチャンは機嫌のいいときにもう一度話し合おうと監督に話した。あのときのクリスチャンは学生役の子供達と13花たちの繋がりはとても良くなってきた。子供達は泣くと、クリスチャンもすぐ涙を流せるくらいだった。『もう一度聞いたら』と監督に言ったけど、もしクリスチャンはまだ断るなら、諦めようと思った。あのラブシーンの前に、クリスチャンの役と子供達と13花の間の関係は凄く深まったため…もしクリスチャンの言うとおりに、抱きしめたりキスしたりするだけ済むなら、凄く物足りないんだ。きっと観客の失望を招くよ。『じゃ、僕はもう一度聞く』と監督。(記者は「監督も困ったでしょう」と言った)一週間も二週間も経てた、突然監督からの電話だ。「やっとOKだ」と…
17 則留言:
我想那是 Bale 拒絕的藉口,他應該是不好說是因為顧慮妻子與女兒的感受,那可能聽來不夠專業吧?
張偉平對 Bale 還蠻佩服的,是不至於說Bale 不好喬,我討厭的是他那副「你看別人都沒辦法叫他演,我辦到囉!」的跩樣。
Hi Marci, I hope you're not too pissed of by it because I feel this story might be only loosely related to reality.
First of all, why does he reiterate several times that this is the first love scene Bale has done ... which could not be farther from the truth, as we all know. Prince of Jutland, Metroland, American Psycho, Velvet Goldmine, A Midsummer Night's Dream all had love scenes, and some very explicit ones too.
Second, I don't think they would have been able to talk CB into something he absolutely didn't want to do.
I can imagine there might have been some discussion about the scene, but ultimately this sounds to me like a hugely inflated story which should only serve to get more press ...
I mean of course Marco. Gah.
我也是覺得對這人說的話要打很大的折扣 光他說bale從不演激情戲這點看來就......(挖鼻孔)
也許中間的討論是有的 但是最後bale會同意 應該也是被說服然後也認同劇情需要吧......
而且我還滿擔心他們會吃定bale看不懂中文遠在美國在各種地方吃他豆腐佔他便宜的....= =|||
I can understand this movie might be loosely related to reality, and I don't mind that, either.
Like what Falco said in her blog's comment, the point is not if Bale did love scenes before. I know how far Zhang Weipin is away from the truth.
I don't think Bale wanted to do that, he said No twice, not only once, twice. This is one reason I am so pissed off.
The other reason is: Zhang Weipin tries very hard to let the world know: No body can make Bale do the love scene. But I did!
我真的倦於與歐美人士爭辯到底張藝謀拍攝這個床戲的意義。我的重點不是在Bale 說他沒拍過,他老爺撒謊又不是一天兩天,更何況,他敢這樣扯謊也表示了他看出了張偉平這個商人不知道他拍過多少床戲。
原來Bale沒拍過激情戲...那美國殺人魔跟暴力衝擊跟絲絨金礦都是誰演的阿- -
Hi Marco,
I can understand this movie might be loosely related to reality, and I don't mind that, either.
I think I have expressed myself poorly ... I didn't mean the story of the movie is only loosely related to reality, but the story Zhang Weipin tells us in this interview!
I mean, he has not told the truth about Bale never having done a love scene; I personally think the second part about how hard he had to push Bale to do it for this movie might also be not quite true.
We don't know how many times Bale really said no; we just have Zhang Weipin's word that he had to ask him three times. Maybe Bale didn't say no in the first place but just asked some questions? If somebody tells such a BS like Bale never having done a love scene, I am very inclined to question the rest of his words too.
But I see why you are pissed off about Zhang Weipin bragging how he has pushed Bale into doing the scene. That's really dsgusting.
不管張偉平的話要不要去相信啦,他那種想炫耀「我讓沒拍過床戲的 Bale 下海囉!」的態度,是讓我最不爽的事情。
Oh, I see. Sorry for misunderstanding about what you said.
Of course, we don't know the context of the whole story (why did Bale agree to do a love scene), and I can tell you I don't want to buy in what Zhang Weipin says in this interview, not a bit.
I don't care if Bale did tell Zhang that he never did love scene before. What pisses me off is: He uses "I never gave up. I just kept asking and asking. I finally made Bale do a love scene in MY MOVIE" to be the selling point.
I am slapping on my own face. I want to say "Oh, Chinese..."
I am also a Chinese.
Hi Marco,
I don't care if Bale did tell Zhang that he never did love scene before.
Again, I probably have expressed myself poorly ... I don't think Bale has told Zhang that he never did a love scene. I think Zhang just tells this bullcrap here in the interview to highlight his "achievement".
In the end, nothing of this talk how hard he had to push Bale might be true. I could imagine there might have been discussion about why, what and how, and in the end Bale was convinced it's a good thing to do the scene; and what Zhang Weipin tells us here might just be a huge load of Bullcrap he partly made up, partly exaggerated (maybe out of a cross-cultural misunderstandung?), to scandalize this scene & make it more interesting for the press.
I see why you're pissed off about Zhang's behaviour, and it's disgusting either way. All I wanted to say: don't let the scene be spoilt for you just because of this BS talk. We don't know what really happened.
Yes, I agree Zhang wants to do everything to show his achievement...
Maybe something lost in my translation from Chinese to English. At least, in this interview, no discussion between Bale and director + producer is mentioned. Lost in my translation might cause the different reaction between Chinese speakers and non-Chinese speakers.
One of a long time Balehead friend told me last night: She said she would not go to see this movie, she even doesn't want to buy the DVD later. She will never let Zhang Weipin to take the money from her!
You can see how disgusted we feel.
Like what I said before -- I don't remember where I said so -- I never expect to see a good movie from Yimou. He was a good director, but he is no good anymore. Don't worry, I will still go to the theater for Bale. Bale is really beautiful and cute in the trailer.
By the way, after this interview, I never opened the video file. I don't know how to face the trailer now.
I'm really sorry that this basically ruined the movie for you, Marco. But I can understand why you feel that ...
Don't worry, I think I will be OK one day. Christian Bale Wonder will help me to overcome. :)