
2 More ACL Photos: どうもありがとうございます、ファルコさんー & One Witness from Tumblr


再來是有人在 Tumblr 上發表了他在賣場 Target 遇到了 Christian Bale 的小故事,超可愛的說:
來源:C'est là qu'elle est vivante!


今天早上為了工作上的需要,我在 Target 賣場排隊等結帳,排隊的隊伍長到幾乎要等個一小時。終於輪到我結帳了,為了不要阻擋到下一位結帳者,我絕望地要把所有購買的東西塞進我的購物車內。手上拿著三樣東西的我,不出所料的終於有東西從購物車內掉了出來。幸好,在我後面的仁兄幫我撿了起來並放進購物車內。我轉過身去向他道謝...

那不是 Christian Bale 嗎!


Had to do a long awaited Target run for work earlier today, like, spent and hour and a half in Target with an overloaded cart kind of run. I finally check out and pay, hopelessly trying to fit everything in my cart again while trying to get out of the way of the person behind me. With three things in my hand, naturally something falls off my cart. Luckily, the guy behind me picks it up and slides it back on the cart. I turn to thank him.

It was Christian Bale.

I’m very proud of myself for not freaking out until I got to my car.

他自己出門買東西不太稀奇,狗仔照拍到他去賣場買東西的照片還蠻多的。比如說 2009 四月時候他就被拍到了他一臉大鬍子去買東西的照片。連結點了,可以跳到國外大站看圖片。

4 則留言:

wow 提到...


FrenchGirl 提到...

"I’m very proud of myself for not freaking out until I got to my car." LOL I would be proud of myself also

Alan.L 提到...


Marco 提到...


pomme: I would be proud of myself if he picked up something for me. :) I would probably freeze there.

不知道這位是不是粉絲,但是可以與A咖(至少在英語區國家這位帥哥可是 A 咖,不像在台灣)有這樣的小插曲,能夠不會當場呆掉,我們都該為她/他拍拍手~