
China Screen: 16 Pages About "Flowers of War" こちらこそありがとう、ファルコさん


『中國銀幕』聽說在本月七號會發行,我應該會上中國 amazon 買來看,因為裡面有 16 頁有關本片的介紹,裡面也一定會有 Bale 的照片。純粹是影迷義務,影迷義務。

微博有些許有關 Bale 的兩三事,也是我們熟悉的 Bale 的本性 :)

Batman Christian Bale behind the screen:
There was a deal Bale doesn't has to go to work on Sunday. He doesn't think it's proper to be served by the staffs in his day off. So when the staff prepares the meals and sends to his hotel / dorm (I remember Bale stayed with all the other actors in the dorm), he feels it's improper and sorry to the staff. Eventually, he only says yes to the staff that it's OK to get one time service on Sunday. The staff sends the lunch and dinner to him in the noon, and he later heats the dinner himself. So the staff doesn't have to worry about Bale's meals twice a day on Sunday.
