
Tom Hardy Interview: Hardy Talks about Working with Bale

Source: Empire Magazine

翻譯來囉。Tom Hardy 的 Press Junkets 好像網路上都沒有,所以看到 Empire 採訪他有關 Bale 的部份,就覺得好高興啊。翻譯開始囉。

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Q: 與 Christian Bale 工作的感覺怎樣?
Hardy: 我喜歡 Christian,他才華洋溢,而且是個有趣的人。他是個很認真的演員,他對於工作的態度非常嚴肅,但他私底下並不嚴肅。他既風趣又詼諧,而且非常聰明。他就是一個這麼優秀的個性演員,但他卻不像其他的一線演員,總是擔心周圍的人是否能把他襯托出來、無時不在意到底聚光燈有沒有打在自己身上。他絲毫不貪心,身為演員的他極度謙卑。能夠與像他這樣的演員合作,就有如呼吸到陣陣的新鮮空氣般,讓人爽快,且通體舒暢。

Q: 因為這是身為壞蛋的 Bane 才有的福利...
Hardy: 這是部動作片。

Q: 你有把他揍到鼻青臉腫嗎?
Hardy: 這個嗎... 我們兩個都把對方揍慘了,我們兩個揍來揍去,兩個人都狗吃屎。Christian,他可是個粗壯的哥兒們,你不會想去招惹他的。我不過就是個戴上演員面具穿上緊身衣賺錢的傢伙罷了,聽懂我的意思嗎?我可不是個 Fighter [笑](註:在去年匹茲堡的圓桌會議上,記者提醒 Tom Hardy 說:你是個 Warrior 而 Christian 是 Fighter。兩個演員都演過格鬥技電影,Hardy 是 "The Warrior",Bale 是 "The Fighter")。我盡全力給了他一拳後,心中想著「耶!太好了!」他後來起身說 [Hardy 模仿 Bale 的表情] 「剛剛那拳還不賴嘛」我的反應是 [Hardy 拍著手] 「我剛剛已經使盡吃奶的力氣耶」在現實世界中,他比我還強。


How is it working with Christian Bale?
I love Christian. He's brilliant. He's really good fun. And it's like, he's a really serious actor, he takes the work very seriously, but not himself very seriously. He's a very funny, witty man, very smart. He's a brilliant character actor, and not at all alpha male in the way that there's not enough limelight for everybody to shine around him. So he's not greedy. He has a tremendous humility as a performer. It's a *beep* breath of fresh air to work with somebody like that. And it's very physical.

Because that is the advantage of Bane as a villain...
This is the fight film.
You get to beat him up.
Well, it goes both ways. We beat each other up; we beat the *beep* out of each other. And he's a big lad, Christian. He's not messing around. I just pull faces and wear tights for a living, do you know what I mean? I'm not a fighter [laughs]. I give him all I've got and I'm like, Yeah! Then he gets up and goes, [does spot-on Bale impression] "That was really good" [claps hands]. And I'm like, "That was all I've got" [laughs]. He's tougher than I am. In real life.
