
Aurora shootings two years later: Christian Bale urges for reduced gun violence

兩年前,TDKR 開始全球巡迴沒幾天,美國科羅拉多州的某個上映著 TDKR 的戲院發生了喋血槍擊案。大家也都知道,Christian Bale 攜同 Sibi 姊姊到了傷者所在的醫院探望傷者與其家族。兩年後的今天,Bale 透過公關,發表了他對某位倖存者的支援以及對槍枝法律的關切。


Source: Celebziter

兩年前,當我聽到發生在科羅拉多的 Aurora 戲院的槍案慘劇時,我的心情非常地沈重。那天是 The Dark Knight Rises 上映的首日,當天午夜發生了 12 人被槍殺害死亡,58 人受傷的事件。

當時我能想到的就是前往 Aurora,我探訪了正在醫院中的慘案存活者以及他們的家人。

其中一位倖存者是 Steve Barton - 他當時正以機車橫跨美國,就在路過 Aurora 時,他停下來與朋友去看了這場電影。

明天就是 Aurora 槍擊案滿兩週年的日子,請到這邊觀賞 Steve 他那讓人動容的故事。同時,請將他的故事也分享給你的親友,藉此提醒大家兩年前發生的傷痛。


事實上,我們也有能力去杜絕槍枝暴力。在 Aurora 槍擊案之後,科羅拉多已經通過了一項強力法案:「購買槍枝需通過身家調查」,在此法案的規範之下,已經預防了類似的犯罪。



能夠與 Steve 一起與所有對抗槍枝暴力的美國人民站上同一陣線,是我的榮幸。


Christian Bale

My heart sank when I heard the news about the shooting two years ago in a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado. It was opening day of The Dark Knight Rises and 12 people had just been shot and killed at a midnight showing — 58 wounded.

The only thing I could think to do was go to Aurora. I visited the survivors and family members in the hospital.

One of the amazing survivors of the shooting I met was Steve Barton — a guy who just happened to be passing through on a cross-country bike trip when he stopped to go to the movies with friends.

Tomorrow marks two years since the Aurora shooting.

See Steven’s moving story in the clip below:

After the shooting, Steve focused his incredible talents on fighting for public safety measures that will prevent others’ lives from being affected by gun violence like his was. I’m inspired by his resilience and dedication.

The fact is, there’s a lot more we can do to cut down on gun violence. After the Aurora shooting, Colorado passed a strong law that has already blocked criminals from easily buying guns without a background check.

But making that kind of progress in other states or at the federal level is going to require elected officials with the backbone to act. That’s why it’s so important to support local, state and federal candidates who will push for common-sense gun laws.

On this sad anniversary, let’s all recommit ourselves to turning tragedy into meaning.

It’s an honor to stand with Steve, with you and with all Americans fighting to reduce gun violence.

Thank you,

Christian Bale

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