
Photos: TDKR NYC Premiere. Thank you, ripley. :)

Source: Whoa, Melly!

某位觀眾在 TDKR 紐約的首映紅地毯時,人就站在某個店家往外拍明星們,也在首映結束時在門口等待著明星想要簽名。只是,所有的明星都快速離開,反倒讓我最吃驚的是:Bale 竟然是唯一一位幫影迷簽名,而且一個不漏地簽。這位當天去拍照的觀眾,相當的感動 Bale 的誠心。

As soon as the movie ended, each cast member began to leave 1 by 1, and literally ran for their cars. A few of them didn't even look our way, which I thought was odd. Even Gary Oldman didn't stop for a second, and I know he's a sweetheart with fans. I wonder if Warner Bros told the cast to just leave straight away for the after party and ignore the fans. The only one who came by was Christian Bale, who signed for every fan there. How great is that??
(電影才一結束,所有的演員一個接著一個離開,應該說他們是跑向他們的車。甚至有些人根本連看都不看我們一眼,這真的是很奇怪。甚至是對影迷都還蠻親切的 Gary Oldman 連停都沒停留。整個情況怪異到讓人懷疑是 WB 請演員立刻離開而且不准管影迷。而唯一的例外就是 Christian Bale,他幫每一位影迷簽名。你們說,那是不是很棒??)

身為 Balehead,我還以為他一定是那個溜得很快的那個,沒想到他還是唯一一個偷偷對影迷好的人哪!

1 則留言:

wow 提到...

Gary Oldman說不定是晚了,要趕緊回家顧小孩!哈哈哈哈~Sibi也陪著他,好溫暖!:))