

雖然 Christopher Nolan 被大家捧上天,而且他還是個叫好又叫座的導演,但我其實對 TDKR 的劇情不是太能夠信服。

很多劇情都不太合理,不管是分明就可以簡單地把腳搞好卻不肯找 Fox 的 Bruce,或者是最後的那顆原子彈(管它啥米彈),劇情都是照著「導演我想怎樣演才能夠收尾」的方向前進。

尤其前面的這個點:一位孤兒毫無根據就只憑靠著一個眼神,就知道億萬富翁的另外一個孤兒是 Batman。Bane 跟 Miranda 有錢可以想辦法找出 Batman 的身分這我沒意見,但一個沒啥靠山的小警官,是怎樣知道這位大哥就是 Batman,根本就是莫名其妙。好歹也安排個一個不小心看到 Batman 變身回 Bruce 的橋段還比較合理啊。難道是因為整部片時間還不夠長,沒辦法有時間安排小羅賓窺得 Bruce 身分的劇情嗎?!

唉啊... 沒事把 Bane 佔領 Gotham 的劇情搞那麼久那麼悶幹嘛啦!

5 則留言:

Monica 提到...

It was disappointing, especially after TDK and Batman Begins.

There was useless characters. You could cut John Blake and still be the same movie; the same with Selina, she could be cut and would be the same movie; both are just there for the end. They should have been better developed, especially her. I liked her in the movie. I don't care about him.
What made me most upset is how Bruce looks stupid in this movie. A woman steals his fingerprints and he does nothing, how? He is one of the smartest men in the world!
It doesn't exist.
He says that fingerprints can't be located, but the necklace she stole has a tracker. Through that he would know where she lives, and could investigate with whom she was involved.

Sometimes I wonder if CB liked or disliked TDKR

wow 提到...


Marco 提到...

I understand your feeling. It's like what we have in Chinese:
"Too love to not to blame it"

I agree Blake should be removed, although I understand Nolan brothers put him in the story to complete the "epic".

Maybe Selina is much better than Blake is. But Bruce is really too stupid. Stop Batman for years because of a woman; Starting Batman because a woman sneaked into his house.

I mean: WTF?


Monica 提到...

John Blake should have been introduced in the previous film. But I don't think that was the initial plan. Heath's death changed everything, yet Nolan had two years to think about TDKR. Worse is that he wasn't alone.

Bruce didn't stop because of a woman, he stopped because the Harvey Dent act was working, the city was free from crime. Not convinced me that it worked so fast. There was still crime, the way it was looked like Batman only cared about big things.

Also did not like the idea of ​​putting Selina in prison with men. She was good, but what about other women?

wow 提到...
