
Photo Shoots: Christian Bale and Joel Edgerton


And thanks to o_w_i_s for summarizing the quote in IMDb board.

飾演拉美西斯的 Joel Edgerton 說了很動聽的話稱讚我們的帥哥。:D

(能夠與自己景仰的人見面是一件非常不尋常的事情 -- Christian Bale 演技表演是我長年崇敬的對象。當我們要與崇拜的人見面時,我們總是希望這個經驗不會變成「喔,我真的希望我沒與他見面,他真是個大爛人。」

他是個超級超級超級可愛的人[澳洲人的 Joel Edgerton 補充說:超級 Super 是我長年住在美國時學的。順道一提:我很抱歉我用這樣的方式表現] 他真的是個有著深沈智慧的人,而且我的直覺告訴我他是個偉大的演員。他多樣的變化是身為演員我的一個目標。更好的是,在我與他見面之後,我知道他是一個好人。他有著很棒的幽默感,而且充滿智慧。」)

“It’s always unusual, right, to meet the people that you really admire – and I admire Christian’s performances over the years – so you just hope that when you meet them they’re not just some guy that you’re like, ‘Oh, I wish I had never met him because he’s a bad guy.’”

"He’s super, super, super lovely. [Super is a word I learnt by living in America for too long, by the way. Sorry about that.] He’s deeply intelligent and I know that instinctually he’s a great actor and transformative and someone I really look up to, and it was great to meet him and realise he’s a really nice guy. Had a great sense of humour and deeply intelligent.”
