
SiriusXM Radio: Ridley Scott, Christian Bale talk 'Blade Runner' sequel, Batman, and what Bale's Moses beard was really made of

Source: Entertainment Weekly

Christian Bale 與導演以及 Joel 參加了紐約的電台 SiriusXM Radio 的訪談,今天終於有聲音檔案出來了。感謝 EW 把精華部分節錄出來,雖然我還是很想一口氣聽完整個啊。

主持人有問到:你覺得 TDKR 結局的部份,那到底是真的,還是 Alfred 的夢。Collider 幫我們節錄了 Bale 的回答:
“[Alfred] was just content with me being alive and [away from the Batman life] because that was always the life that he wanted for him.  I find it very interesting and, with most films, I tend to always say it’s what the audience thinks it is.  My personal opinion is no, it was not a dream.  That was for real and he was just delighted that finally he had freed himself from the privilege but ultimately the burden of being Bruce Wayne.”

Alfred 知道我(Bruce Wayne)還活著,而且遠離 Batman 這個角色,他感到十分的滿足,因為這是 Alfred 期待 Bruce 的生活方式。我覺得這個現象很有趣,看待很多的電影作品,我偏向主張電影的內容是觀眾自我理解表現。我個人的想法是,那不是一場夢而是現實。Alfred 很高興 Bruce 從那樣的生活解放自己,也脫離了 Bruce Wayne 這個重荷。

我其實不太在意那到底是場夢還是真實,即使我認為那是一個現實。在那樣的狀況下,Bruce 過世也不是一個太壞不合理的結局啊。
