
Knight of Cups to be Premiered in Berlinale

Source: Berlinale


喔喔喔喔!沒想到這麼早就有機會見到(雖然我們見不到)Knight of Cups 上映。2012 年拍攝,到 2015 年年初上柏林影展,以 Terrence Malick 導演來說,算是很快的啦。

記者會預計在 2/8 舉行,但到底是在哪邊記者會不清楚。2/15 給記者拍宣傳照,2/25 可能是在柏林當地影展再次舉行記者會。

今天沒有力氣翻譯影展的文字內容,明天來上班偷偷摸魚翻譯一下好了。不過,文字內容怎麼看起來有點挖苦 Terrence Malick 啊。(汗)

Rick is a slave to the Hollywood system. He is addicted to success but simultaneously despairs at the emptiness of his life. He is at home in a world of illusions but seeks real life. Like the tarot card of the title, Rick is easily bored and needs outside stimulation. But the Knight of Cups is also an artist, a romantic and an adventurer.
In Terrence Malick's seventh film a gliding camera once again accompanies a tormented hero on his search for meaning. Once again a voiceover is laid over images which also seek their own authenticity. And once again Malick seems to put the world out of joint. His symphonic flow of images contrasts cold, functional architecture with the ageless beauty of nature. Rick's internal monologue coalesces with the voices of the women who cross his path, women who represent different principles in life: while one lives in the real world, the other embodies beauty and sensuality. Which path will Rick choose? In the city of angels and the desert that surrounds it, will he find his own way?

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