
Set Photo of Exodus: Gods and Kings. ありがとうさん!ファルコさん

Source: The Courier

Hal Hewetson, who will celebrate his 14th birthday next week, played alongside leading actor Christian Bale (right), who is Moses in the film directed by Ridley Scott.

Hal already has three years experience as a child actor with the Royal Shakespeare Company which he thinks helped him get the part as Moses’ firstborn son, Gershom.

He travelled to Fuertaventura in the Canary Islands for the filming and was amazed to watch the set designers produce houses from scratch with 70 foot high palm trees planted in the surrounding valley.

Goats and chickens wandered on set from all around and frankincense was burned on small fires.

Hal said: “I only met Christian Bale about five minutes before (filming) in the make-up trailer and he was a really lovely person. Acting with him was great - he made everything seem really easy.”
(Hal Hewetson 說:直到我的戲份開拍前五分鐘,我才在拖車中與 Christian Bale 見到面。他真的是個非常友善的人,與他演戲真的是個很好的經驗 -- 他讓演戲變得很輕鬆。)
After each scene, which was inevitably repeated several times, Hal was taken back to the film crew’s base for up to five hours of school tutoring.
