
Actor & Director: Great Collaborations in Movie

Source: Empire

可能是英國雜誌的關係?Empire 選 Bale 以及 Nolan 的合作為電影界最好的組合之一。再怎麼說,這兩個人都是英國人(Bale 跟 Nolan 似乎都是雙重國籍者),而且還在好萊塢闖出一片天,Empire 會選他們也是可以理解的。

What's The Secret Of Their Success?
Christopher Nolan tends to make films about obsessed people, who throw themselves body and soul into whatever task it is that they have to do. So who better to work with than Christian Bale, one of the most serious and intense actors around, committing to a role completely and displaying an infamously passionate feeling for the subject. Only without the vigilante justice or all-consuming double-life, we hope.
Christian Nolan 偏好描寫把自己的肉體以及靈魂投入某個任務中的執著角色,還有誰能夠比 Christian Bale 認真且張力十足?他是 Nolan 最佳選擇。Bale 總能成功完整的達到角色所需,展現他過人的熱情。希望我們能夠看到私刑者或者是蠟燭兩頭燒的雙面生活以外的故事。

Were They As Good With Anyone Else?
Nolan's also turned the screws on Guy Pearce and Al Pacino to great acclaim, and has Leonardo DiCaprio next in his sights, so it's fair to say that he's not limited to working only with Bale - who's also been great in films from The Machinist to Empire of the Sun.
Nolan 也曾經與 Guy Pearce(註:Memento。記憶拼圖)、Al Pachino(註:Insomnia。針鋒相對)擦出美麗的火花,他下一部片會與 Leonardo DiCaprio 合作(註:Inception。台灣翻為:全面啟動)。所以我們可以說,他不會限定自己與 Bale 合作。Bale 也曾在 The Machinist 以及太陽帝國中有著精湛的演出。

Best Film
The Dark Knight, Bale's Batman truly coming into his own and facing a worthy adversary in Heath Ledger's Joker while Nolan amps up the pace and throws major moral dilemmas into a summer comic book action movie.
『黑暗騎士』。Bale 表現出了屬於他自己的蝙蝠俠,遇上由 Heath Ledger 扮演棋逢敵手的小丑。Nolan 在明快的節奏中在暑假漫畫動作英雄片中加入道德掙扎的成份。

11 則留言:

verna 提到...


Marco 提到...

我希望的是 Terrence Malick!

Jacks 提到...


Marco 提到...

不過若是能夠與 Terrence Malick 或是 Werner 這種風格很特殊的導演成為好夥伴,那就更好了。

Tina 提到...


Marco 提到...

我最近唯一想看的電影就是 Kick-Ass!回去高雄忙完後,我要來看!反正 EQ 都看到會背了,應該可以看出很多惡搞。

FrenchGirl 提到...

my boyfriend again is disgusted Nolan works with Leo DiCaprio because he thinks Leo acts the same character since 10 years(the paranoid:aviator,shutter island,body of evidence,....)

Marco 提到...

well, Leo! This "Who-They-Call-The-Great-Actor" never is my type. Again, I am not a moviegoer, I don't see lots of movies. But I see "Leo DiCaprio" in "Catch Me if You Can". I am not interested in his acting.

And I think I might be the only female who didn't cry when watching Titanic in the theater. I was touched by the orchestra and the old couples, but not Rose and Jack. That was just a one-night-stand romance! Rose would probably break up with Jack because Jack has no money! Why do I need to cry for the stupid romance!

I prefer to cry for the hand-in-hand of Bale and Sibi & his little princess.

FrenchGirl 提到...

we 're 2 on Titanic, i laughed!
i was touched by the orchestra and captain

醫生猴 提到...

Leonardo DiCaprio… 我只看過羅密歐與茱麗葉 (是的,我沒看過那大名鼎鼎,每逢跨年夜電影台必重播的鐵達尼號),嗯…… 嗯…… 沒興趣 (飄走~)

Marco 提到...
