
Christian Bale Is Searching For An “Act Of God”

Source: TB

By: Thomas Commonwealth

Christian Bale 決定要在 Todd Haynes 的電影作品 "Act of God" 中領銜主演。

由 Haynes 與 John Raymond 編劇,戲劇中心是在歷經巨大龍捲風後與堪薩斯政府對抗的某個堪薩斯市民,他之後成了美國人民家喻戶曉的人物。如果 Bale 接下這個角色,他會飾演 Ron Madariaga,他也是這場風暴的笑柄。Christine Vachon 會是 Killer Films 的製作人。

Bale 是個千變萬化的演員,他曾在 "The Machinist" 中飾演憔悴的工人,也是 "The Fighter" 中拳擊手 Micky Ward 的兄長 Dickie,他最有名角色還是 Batman。他還有幾個頗受注目的作品,包括與 "Fighter" 導演 David O. Russell 的 "American Hustle"、"Out of Furnace" 還有 Terrence Malick 的 "Knight of Cups"。

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An offer has been made to Christian Bale for the lead role in Todd Haynes’ drama ACT OF GOD.

Written by Haynes and Jon Raymond, the film centers on a Kansas man who speaks out against local government after a devastating tornado, becoming a national figure in the process. If he takes the role, Bale would play Ron Madariaga, the scorned man at the center of the controversy. Christine Vachon will produce for Killer Films.

Bale is as versatile an actor as any, playing an emaciated industrial worker in “The Machinist”, boxer Micky Ward’s brother Dickey in “The Fighter” and of course, his most prominent role as Batman. He has several anticipated projects lined up including a re-teaming with “Fighter” director David O. Russell in “American Hustle” and roles in “Out of the Furnace” and Terrence Malick’s “Knight of Cups”.
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希望消息可以成真啊!我很喜歡 Todd Haynes 鏡頭下的 Christian Bale 啊~

4 則留言:

Jasmine 提到...


Marco 提到...

我們應該在兩個月後就可以看到他了,他快開始宣傳 Out of The Furnace。

Jasmine 提到...


Marco 提到...

Exodus 都八字還沒一撇,我還不太相信他會去拍。
加上,如果 OOTF 與 AH 他不去宣傳,電影可能會乏人問津。
OOTF 與 AH 不是票房型,但人家電影公司還是要賺錢,他是最紅的,不出去宣傳不行啊。

而且他是那種很支持熱情導演的那種人,我相信他一定是頗欣賞 Scott Cooper 所以才接演。
David O. Russell 就不用說了,那可是他的好兄弟啊,不支援怎麼行。