Source: Just Jared
這是這對夫妻在英國過了一晚,結束了英國奧斯卡的行程(中間還從 After Party 溜掉自己去外面約會),隔天即離開英國飛回美國,回去見女兒。我想他其實並不在意待在英國,因為『出埃及記』在英國也待了個把月(我都在想,他搞不好在英國有置產?只是,他以前說過他有飄泊的熱血...),他可能比較在意的是這種公開大事。畢竟先前他的母親在 TDKR 英國首映時有威脅說要帶領狗仔鬧事,他的母親似乎很想要引起眾人的注意。唉...
Christian Bale holds hands with his wife Sibi Blazic as they head through Heathrow Airport on Monday (February 17) in London, England.
The night before, the 40-year-old American Hustle star and his wife attended the 2014 BAFTAs together, where his film was nominated for a whopping 10 awards.
Christian was nominated in the Lead Actor category, but lost out to Chiwetel Ejiofor for his work in 12 Years a Slave
這是這對夫妻在英國過了一晚,結束了英國奧斯卡的行程(中間還從 After Party 溜掉自己去外面約會),隔天即離開英國飛回美國,回去見女兒。我想他其實並不在意待在英國,因為『出埃及記』在英國也待了個把月(我都在想,他搞不好在英國有置產?只是,他以前說過他有飄泊的熱血...),他可能比較在意的是這種公開大事。畢竟先前他的母親在 TDKR 英國首映時有威脅說要帶領狗仔鬧事,他的母親似乎很想要引起眾人的注意。唉...
Christian Bale holds hands with his wife Sibi Blazic as they head through Heathrow Airport on Monday (February 17) in London, England.
The night before, the 40-year-old American Hustle star and his wife attended the 2014 BAFTAs together, where his film was nominated for a whopping 10 awards.
Christian was nominated in the Lead Actor category, but lost out to Chiwetel Ejiofor for his work in 12 Years a Slave