Source: The Wrap
Bale put on about 40 pounds of extra weight and shaved part of his head to become con man Irving Rosenfeld
“You must have a certain excitement or magic, and I feel that excitement when I know that Christian Bale is going to play somebody I’ve never seen him play,” Russell says.
Roven calls Bale’s ability to go unrecognizable in character “legendary,” while Cooper describe’s Bale’s demeanor in the film “really kind of wonderful.”
“American Hustle,” a crime drama about a pair of con artists who are forced to help the FBI take down a corrupt politician, is nominated for a total of 10 Academy Awards this year, including Best Picture and Best Actor in a Leading Role.
Bale not only put on about 40 pounds of body fat to portray the con man, he shaved part of his head to make sure that comedic combover was as authentic as possible.
這段內容在前幾天那段 28 分鐘的 making 中也出現過。既然這邊已經有英文字,就來翻譯吧。
在『瞞天大佈局』中飾演 Irving Rosenfeld 的 Christian Bale 說「有關生存的故事是不會有結束的一天。」Bale 靠著改變自己的謊言在好萊塢頂尖主角群中求生存,敘述著這些求生故事。
David O. Russell 說「身為電影人一定要保持著亢奮或者是操作魔法的能力。而當我知道 Christian Bale 會飾演一個我不曾看過他表演過的人物時,我總會感到興奮。」
製作人 Charles Roven 稱 Bale 那讓人辨識不出他本人的能力就有如「傳奇」般不可思議。而演員 Bradley Cooper 形容 Bale 在電影中的表現實在「很了不起。」
『瞞天大佈局』是一齣有關一對詐欺師被迫與 FBI 合作逮捕腐敗政治家的犯罪故事電影。這部電影獲得了包含最佳影片與最佳男主角的十項奧斯卡提名。
Bale 不只為了角色增胖了 40 磅,他還削去了頂上的毛髮讓那個逗趣的條碼頭看起來更有說服力。