
The Egalitarian

Source : About.com (Hollywood Movies)
Interview With Michael Caine on "Batman Begins"

「他(Bale)想法中的某個成份,影響到我與他之間的關係,那就是他極度平等主義的思想。我們曾聊過這些事情,他表示他十分痛恨(類似劇中的)主僕關係,所以他絕對做不到(與人維持主僕關係)。因為他的想法,所以我們兩個(在 Bruce 與 Alfred 的關係上)畫了條界線。我知道一個英國的伺僕抱持著哪些態度讓自己不過於阿諛奉承、或者過於囂張。而他也知道該怎樣拿捏,不至於顯露出施恩於下僕的態度,只是他絕對沒辦法以高姿態對待他人。導致的結果就是(在劇中)我們兩個的關係是平等沒有上下關係的。」


那 Christian Bale 被稱為韋恩少爺時的反應是?「他很喜歡那樣的稱呼。他跟我說,我這樣叫他是合理的,我回答說沒錯,而他也知道這是他應得的稱謂。如果這樣的稱呼是合宜的,那感覺就對了;如果那不合宜,那我就不該這樣叫他。」

在 Baleheads.com 跟大家討論這則 Sir Michael 的 Quote 時,
我們都提到 Bale 低調支援許多動物保護組織以及弱勢團體的作為。

"One of the things about his own character which affected our relationship was he's a very egalitarian kind of person himself, and we talked about this and he hates the master/servant relationship and so he would never - we drew a line along that on this. I knew how far an English servant would go without being so obsequious or overbearing and he knew how far he would go in patronizing a servant, which is no way at all. So it came out as a very good relationship which met in the middle on equal lines.

It was very fortunate for us that I knew the other side of it because my mother was a cook in these big houses in the country during the war when I was evacuated. So I knew all about the butler and everything and I'd seen the line with which masters who were very, very kind to their staff came down to. And I knew the line where the butler or someone who was very confident went up to and neither of them ever crossed the line. And that's what I did with Christian. I never crossed the line. I always called him master. 'Master Wayne.' Because I wanted to keep this idea that he was a small boy, which made the humorous stuff with him funnier because I treated him as a small boy in these shenanigans he was getting up to. I'm always pissed off, you know, that this little boy's gone out and done all this stuff, like climb up the Empire State Building with a guy in his hand."

Christian Bale's Reaction to Being Called 'Master Wayne:' "He liked it. He told me that he thought that since that's what he'd be called and I said yes, what he knew was it was truthful. If it was the truth, it works. If it ain't, it doesn't."

*** *** ***
我確定我一定會迷上他的的關鍵就是,在許多他的傳記裡面都會提到的一點 "A Devoted Animals Lover"(奉獻、忠誠的動物愛好者)。我總覺得能夠平等對待萬物的人一定心地良善,我對這種人是一點抵抗力都沒有啊!

或許就是因為痛恨主僕關係,長期以來他沒有聘請個人助理(Personal Assistance = PA)。日本影迷甚至稱他「自營業演員」。

2 則留言:

verna 提到...


Marco 提到...

可是你看,他打扮到全世界 baleheads 可以想像他的衣櫃鞋櫃的內容;
他開的車甚至比不上 RD 的 AD 的豪華。