電影世界中的無情與張力,通常會被帶到現實世界中,而最有名的例子就是 Bale 因被攝影導演 Shane Hurlbut 干擾到一場重要的戲而被錄下他謾罵的錄音帶。這段聲音隨後被公開,大眾媒體爭相報導,也有些改編版本公開在 YouTube。McG 說「那只是片場的生態之一。我的每部電影都有類似的爆發場面。我喜歡激發充滿張力的環境,我是那個帶頭暴躁的人。我的脾氣很糟,我也很容易被情緒左右,我也想要在螢幕上把那張力表現出來。我要 Bale 把他最好最熱情的那一面表現出來,因為那就是我要他做的。另外,整個事件的來龍去脈都被誤解了,而且大家都太小題大做了。我真的認為這是對好萊塢的一大打擊,因為所有的隱私都會被外洩。電影是為了最後的成果而設計的。」

"The grimness and intensity of the film's world often carried over into real life, most notably when Bale was caught on tape yelling at the film's director of photography Shane Hurlbut for apparently interfering in an important shot. The actor's rant was later leaked to the public, leading to numerous news stories and even a few homemade remixes posted on YouTube. "That's the nature of a movie set," McG says now about the incident. "I've never made a movie where there weren't flare-ups. I encouraged an environment of intensity and hotheadedness led by me. I have a bad temper and am very passionate and want that level of intensity to show up onscreen at all times. And I want the best, most intense version of Bale, because that's what he's here to do. Besides, it was taken out of context and I think people understand that and it's largely come and gone without too much fuss. I do think it's a slap in the face to Hollywood that private material would be leaked. Movies are designed to only see the finished result."