
Christian Bale the Workaholic?

看到了 Bale 的片酬,就想到在 GQ 中他提到的那段話。(先前翻譯過的整篇 GQ

You once said that if you didn't commit the way you do, acting wouldn't feel like a "job." Was that the kind of winking acknowledgment movie stars make about the absurdity of making millions to, you know, dress up in a cape? Or was it something more earnest--that you need to endure not just to play a role correctly but to test yourself?
Definitely the second one. Look, I was doing that long before I could ever have had any guilt about getting paid. I learned a long time ago that if I don't commit completely, I'm not very…content. And yeah, it's bizarre but true: The easier the role, the more they pay you for it. I'm into a realm now where it doesn't matter what you do, you don't deserve to get paid that. It's fair, because if you're not, someone else is gettin' it--and they didn't do what you did for it. But do you deserve it? Hell no.

I'm Not There 裡面 Bale 的戲份是五個 Bob Dylan
連翻紙牌都是五個 Bob Dylan 中翻得最認真的。

GQ : 你曾說過如果你沒達到對角色的承諾,你無法將演戲視為工作。這是不是一種暗示,暗示說電影明星只要表現得荒誕,就可以賺取高額酬勞?比如說,你不過就只是穿著披風。或者你想表達更加嚴肅的的內涵 - 你要去承受的不只是要將戲演好,而且你還想要測試自己的能力。
CB : 我想做的絕對是測試自己。聽我說,在我開始對高額的酬勞產生罪惡感之前,我早就是以這種態度來對待我的工作。多年前我就已經知道,我要是無法完全兌現我對作品本身的承諾,我就無法感到...滿足。沒錯,很弔詭卻又現實的就是︰越簡單的角色所拿到的酬勞越高。我已經走進一個範疇內,一個不管我做了多少我都不配拿到那麼多酬勞的領域中。但那沒有什麼不對,因為如果你不做,也會被別人拿去做。而且 - 他們無法辦到你可以為作品的奉獻。只是,你有資格拿到那麼多嗎?想得美,沒有。

很多人都說 Bale 是個很盡責的演員,他自己也不諱言他對工作的尊重。其實對 Bale 來說,演戲似乎是他嘗試去處於他人的處境中去體會另一種人生的方式。至少我是這樣覺得的。
