DVD Special Features 中 Bale 訪談的話:
我第一天到拍片現場時,我本來以為他們在拍另外一個演員,他們需要拍那個演員的特寫鏡頭,我以為我不需要出現在畫面中。所以我就... 我還是待在場景中,我就坐在場景邊抽著 John Rolfe(The New World 中 Bale 的角色名稱)的煙管,隨後我馬上發現攝影機正對著我拍。
On my very first day, I was actually, you know, doing a scene, and then, uh, my understanding was that they were shooting the other actor, doing a closeup and I wasn't needed for it. And so I just went... I stayed on the set, but I was just sitting on the side and I was smoking the pipe that John Rolfe smokes, and then I suddenly realized that the camera was pointed at me.
DVD Special Features 中 Bale 訪談的話:
有時事情變得很有趣,因為 Terry(The New World 的導演 Terry Malick)要 Jack Fisk(Production Designer,場景設計師)把房子跟地點都弄出來,如此一來 Terry 就可以三百六十度拍攝,所以工作人員也需要配合這樣的風格。因為其他的電影是,每個人都知道攝影機會鎖定在這兩個位置。但是與 Terry 工作,你永遠不知道攝影機會從哪邊來。有可能從那邊,但下一刻他就到處轉然後拍那邊。(註:這位大爺開始跳著講話了)所以你可能會...你知道一群人,餐飲服務擺桌擺在那邊可是...呃...我第一天笑得停不下來。當他拍我也用這個方式的時候,他突然把鏡頭轉向我並對我說「Christian,你就盡情地做你想做的事情,就是,走來走去,愛做什麼隨你。」所以我就照著他的話做。然後我突然想到...好,那邊有一堆工作人員,如果我走向他們,他們怎麼辦?所以我...我愛鬧的天性...我就是「我一定要看看他們會有什麼反應。」所以我開始走向他們,然後他們就開始逃...他們逃進叢林中躲起來把空間讓給我,他們很清楚跟 Terry 合作就是這個樣,不管何時攝影機都在轉動。
It was very funny at times because Terry liked Jack Fisk to create the houses and the locations so that he could shoot 360 degrees. So the crew had to be ready for that as well, because unlike most movies where they absolutely know the camera's locked between these two positions, that's it. With Terry, you never knew. It could be there, and then suddenly he's spinning around and looking there. So you can't have, you know, a bunch of, you know, the gaffers and everybody, on the craft service set up right there but, uh, and I couldn't stop laughing on the very first day. When he did do this thing to me where he just suddenly turned the camera on me and said, "Christian, do whatever you feel like doing, you know. Walk up and down, do whatever you wanna do." And so I did start doing that. And I realized that... Okay, there was a bunch of crew over there, so I walked over there, what were they gonna do? So I... my bloody-minded nature... I was like, "I'm gonna go take a look see what they do." So I did. I started walking over there, and they were running... they were diving behind the bushes to get out of the way, you know, because they just knew this was part of the deal of working with Terry. That could spin around any second.
張貼留言 (Atom)
5 則留言:
水瓶座的聽說也很愛講理由,所以翻譯 FLAUNT 的那五天,我有點恨水瓶座。(哈~)
The New World 台灣有出嗎?看樣子是沒有耶?我知道 Yahoo 上面有在賣港版 or 呃...奇蹟版啦。
他戲份不多喔,雖然造型很好,深情款款的模樣很迷人,但是戲份很少喔。而且導演的風格很好睡呢~在一般版本(我的是延長版),他在戲末 40 分才出現。
我剛在HBO看到RD 11月要播的廣告囉~~~~
(奇怪,DVD 拿來幹嘛的?)