i can't say my boyfriend is a Balehead but he really likes his actingand CB is one of his fav actors(it's even because of our love of cinéma we started to date together;we're 2 movie nerds!)
my boyfriend thinks CB usually finds the stuff who does his character is priceless(Bateman,The Machinist,Rescue Dawn or Harsh Time) or he's really well casted(Equilibrium,Shaft or The New World) or Bale isn't afraid by challenges(I'm not there ,The Machinist...)and above all Bale adjusts to his characters and he's a depp actor! and he's dedicated to his job! He thinks also he's a strong person who isn't afraid to show his feeling(to his wife for example! "they look so in love" "they are together all time" beurk!!!) Finally my boyfriend could be a hidden Balehead!
pomme, If I was only attracted by his physical beauty, I believe I would just ditch him 1 year ago. (I started my balehead life around the end of 2008).
And about his acting: He is unpredictable, he always loves to challenge himself, he really shows us the deep emotion of the role he is playing, he can really touch the soul of the character.
I believe he can be always "well-casted", because he is really good at understanding the role.
Of course, every time when he shows his love to his wife, the lovely woman, Sibi, their kiss & their holding hands makes him more attractive. Man who really love his lover makes him much more sexy!
10 則留言:
Bale 的肌肉不是我的菜,如果 slogan 是「可以看到帥哥穿中山裝」,我應該就會現落了!
Preston may be the most sensitive guy among the emotionless characters!
it's also one of fav movies for my boyfriend
哭哭時會泛紅的眼眶也是重點, 被狗狗舔到時一下子不知所措的表情也好可愛~~
他那時候的確比較瘦, 但我覺得滿符合這部的角色形象, 那種瘦削的臉龐角度為這個按理來說沒有情感的教士加了很多分~~
被小狗舔那裡完全就是導演設置的大萌點啊~*_*我就不信會有性染色體為XX的homo sapiens不會被這幕深深擊中(認真)*Glee*
Is your boy friend a balehead?
well, 是不是大家都喜歡 Bale 的那種美貌,可能見仁見智。不過好像很多歐美女性都無法抗拒 Bale 美麗的身體就是。
i can't say my boyfriend is a Balehead but he really likes his actingand CB is one of his fav actors(it's even because of our love of cinéma we started to date together;we're 2 movie nerds!)
That's so good to have someone who can share the same interest together. You both are lucky. :)
Do you think Bale has lots of male fans? And what makes your boy friend like his acting?
my boyfriend thinks CB usually finds the stuff who does his character is priceless(Bateman,The Machinist,Rescue Dawn or Harsh Time) or he's really well casted(Equilibrium,Shaft or The New World) or Bale isn't afraid by challenges(I'm not there ,The Machinist...)and above all Bale adjusts to his characters and he's a depp actor! and he's dedicated to his job!
He thinks also he's a strong person who isn't afraid to show his feeling(to his wife for example! "they look so in love" "they are together all time" beurk!!!)
Finally my boyfriend could be a hidden Balehead!
If I was only attracted by his physical beauty, I believe I would just ditch him 1 year ago. (I started my balehead life around the end of 2008).
And about his acting: He is unpredictable, he always loves to challenge himself, he really shows us the deep emotion of the role he is playing, he can really touch the soul of the character.
I believe he can be always "well-casted", because he is really good at understanding the role.
Of course, every time when he shows his love to his wife, the lovely woman, Sibi, their kiss & their holding hands makes him more attractive. Man who really love his lover makes him much more sexy!
He is wonderful as an actor & as a husband.