Bale 很少用很誇張的表情傳達角色的情緒,在這段中他以帶點喜感的方式靈活操縱五官的演技反而讓我印象深刻。大難不死的 Borden / Fallon(我覺得這位應該是愛上情婦的那位)戴上 Professor 的假鬍子出現在公共場合與妻子對話。可能是因為此時的他是 Professor,也可能是對象並不是自己心愛的女人,此時的 Borden/Fallon 並不真誠。
Bale 在表現 Borden 以及 Fallon 之間的差異可以從一些表情上看出角色個性的差異。當他在表現 Borden(假設娶 Sarah 的兄弟為 Borden)時,會比較沈穩低調。Borden 是那個懂得放棄的雙胞胎。Fallon(假設喜歡情婦的是 Fallon)是相對想跟 Angier 拼個你死我活的那方。個性較為偏激的 Fallon 在神色上也比較活潑,五官的動作就顯得跳躍很多。
當 Borden/Fallon 改口說 "OUR lives" 的時候,他不單講的是他與 Sarah 的,也暗示著 Borden 以及 Fallon 的 Ours。
Nolan 的片向來不需要太多的演技,因為 Nolan 重視的是講故事技巧,有時候我甚至會覺得 Bale 在他的片有點被大材小用。還好 Prestige 中需要有能力呈現不同色彩本領的演員,應該就是這個原因,讓 Bale 對這個(這兩個)角色產生的興趣。

4 則留言:
when i had "the prestige" dvd,our game was "when is he Borden? when is Fallon?"
and Hugh Jackman is really good in Angier
i love this movie,it's so sad with all these wasted lifes because of ambition,obsession and hatred:it's a movie so underrated
The first time I saw this movie in the theater, I didn't know who Bale is, and my seat was terribly bad(first line in the theater). Everyone in the movie was deformed because the bad angle, I could only try my best to enjoy the handsome Hugh.
Now I am trying to figure out when is Borden and when is Fallon. Bale did make the difference between the 2 characters. He is so amazing.
I don't think this movie is underrated. It is now #72 in IMDb. (2010/4/25) I thought critics love it?
i didn't know the movie had a so high rated in IMDB!
it's in this movie i say myself for the first time Jackman is really a good actor!
Hugh is a handsome man, but I also never thought he is a good actor, either. Like what you are saying, I think his acting in "Prestige" shows he is a nice actor.