全世界的 Baleheads 都閒得發慌,大家只能看看跟 Bale 淵源比較深的導演 Christopher Nolan 的相關消息。隨著 Inception 的大賣,Inception 唯一的明星 Nolan 的訪談也就更多。在一篇英國雜誌 Empire 的訪談中,也去訪問了在 The Prestige 與 Nolan 合作過的 Hugh Jackman(大家就千萬不要奢望 Bale 會在這種時候出來接受訪談了,他老爺不玩那套)。Hugh 說了一些很有趣的話。
Thanks to IMDb kmrc81 for providing the funny article.
Source: Empire on line
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「我一人飾兩角。一是魔術師的 Angier,另外一各是酒鬼替身 Gerald Root。創造那個替身角色很有趣,而且他(Christopher Nolan)也開放讓我塑造角色。我記得我跟他提過『老兄,我有一個想法。Root 是個對很多事物感到失望的角色,這也是他沈迷黃湯的原因。他工作上不得志 -- 最重要的是 -- 他是個同性戀者。當 Christian (Bale) 所扮演的角色出現時,他腦袋裡面只想著『這傢伙真性感!』他簡直不敢相信他 (Borden) 會過來與他攀談。Chris 只是望著我說『沒問題,你可以這樣想。不過,得低調點...』每次我拍完 Gerald 的部份,他就會說『太好了,Mr. Root。希望能夠再見到你』他喜歡我創造的那個角色,我也是。」
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"He is hot!" 這句話讓我笑了。雖然我已經不再說胖胖的 Borden 一點都不帥,但是他離性感還差得很遠!或許就是因為我從不覺得他很 Hot!我從 Mr. Root 的眼睛看到了男性對 Bale / Borden 的想法。我的想法就是︰真高興這位帥哥的美貌同時得到女性以及男性的喜愛。
雖然修哥被傳說他喜歡的對象是男性已經好一陣子... well.. 若他的 Mr. Root 與本人的感受都是覺得 Bale 很 Hot! 的話,就證明了 Bale 的外在吸引力毫無性別界線呢!
就像大家所說的,Hugh 真的是個討人喜歡的明星呢。
「我雖是雙主角的其中之一,但我只花了 25 天拍攝我的部份。我與 Christian 因為各自有自己的故事線,所以我很少跟他對戲。而 Chris (Nolan) 從不願意與我談論 Christian 的角色。每次開會時,我們都在不同的會議室各自開。所以在首映看到整部作品時感覺非常的新鮮,他們結合了如此錯綜複雜的故事。」
「我認為 Christian 在我們這個年代中,是最優秀的演員之一﹔而 Chris 是最偉大的導演之一,而且他正處於他事業的巔峰。他 (Nolan) 樂在其中 - 這是相當難得的!他不會讓自己消耗在程序當中。」
"I was playing two characters: one was the magician, Angier. The other was the drunken double, Gerald Root. It was so much fun creating that character and he really just let me go at it. I remember coming in and saying, “Mate, I have a theory that he’s one of these guys who is disappointed on many levels and that’s why he drinks. His career has never been what he hoped and - more importantly - I think he’s a gay guy. When Christian’s (Bale) character comes up, he just thinks, ‘This guy is so hot!’ He can’t believe he’s coming to talk to him, you know?” Chris just looked at me and goes, “Yeah. Okay. Go for it. But keep it subtle...” Every time I finished shooting as Gerald, he’d say, “Alright, Mr. Root, I look forward to seeing you again.” He liked that character. I did, too.
"Though I may have been one of the leads in The Prestige, I only worked about 25 days on it, because Christian and I were barely together on screen: we had parallel stories. And Chris would never really talk to me about Christian’s character. We were always put in separate rooms, for separate meetings. So seeing it at the premiere was fascinating, when I saw the intricacies of what they had done together.
"I think Christian is one of the great actors, particularly of my generation. And Chris is one of the great directors, right now at the top of his game. And actually enjoying himself - which is a rarity! He doesn’t let the process grind on him.
6 則留言:
Keep it subtle會成為我最近的笑點~XDD
Long time no see. I thought you've already forgot who Christian Bale is! (grin)
修哥的這句話讓我...以後看這幕都會看著 Root 詭異注視 Borden 的神色了。科科...
要出發到英國了啊?恭喜喔!你應該會比我們早看到 Fighter 吧!太好了。到英國後,看全世界的網站都不會有問題囉~
Oops. I am sorry. Congratulations! Maybe you can meet him in some premieres. Remember to take the photos for us if you get the chance! :)