Thanks to ripley-clarice-scarlett!ありがとう、ファルコさん。 Christian Bale, wife Sibi and daughter Emmeline strike a pose in Pacific Palisades.
都快懷疑自己喜歡上的是不是就只是個默默無名的帥哥。沒工作,也因為住家附近申請類似警衛的服務還是什麼的,最近他的狗仔照片也少了。只希望他的 Fighter 快點有 Trailer 可以看啊!
這個週末,Bale Family 與幾個朋友一起到到一個位於 Pacific Palisades 的農夫市場。小公主似乎有點在鬧彆扭,男僕爹地用盡了辦法討好小公主。Sibi 姊姊跟 Bale 還是一副恩愛夫妻樣。太好了太好了,看到他如此自在的生活著,真的很替他高興。
2 則留言:
Falco has many pics from this event!
i like the mini-drama with CB and his daughter(what a future actress!)
and they look healthy and happy!
Whenever we see Bale family, they are adorable. The Princess looks a little bit bigger than last time we saw her. Life is magic.