
Cute! (How many times I have to use this subject? ;-P)

The combination of cuteness & sexiness!

Public Enemies 宣傳期間,不管是在 Chicago 的首映,或者是 L.A. 的 Film Festival 那場,Christian Bale 的心情都非常的愉悅而且正常(相對於 T4 那種嘯嘯的狀況來說),連帶他的表情也就亮了起來。這兩天翻著他在 Chicago 時候的影片,發現略顯消瘦帶著鬍子頂著短髮的他實在性感到不行(不知道是不是我週期性的荷爾蒙作祟?)。這才叫做性感吶~性感不需要穿得少啊~至少我是喜歡這樣的性感的啦。

Thanks to CBBUN74 for this video. :)
His light English accent is incredibly sexy!

4 則留言:

kaoru 提到...

強哥跟瑪姐大概會是一般人定義的性感(先聲明, 我愛瑪姐),但貝爾瘦瘦又毛茸茸的樣子就是會讓人想要衝上去摸一摸啃一啃~~嘶咻(吸口水聲)~
好喜歡他說"這是johnny的電影"時的那一段, 喜歡他那種想融入背景的低調還有莫名其妙很輕快的心情XDD|||~

Marco 提到...

耶... 熊很性感嗎?(笑)

PE 的三個大角色,除了 Mr. Bale 之外,強哥跟瑪妹(我得叫她妹啊)我也都很喜歡。不知道是不是就是他大爺這種會激起女性保護欲的氣品,所以與他對手的都是姊姊偏多?

他 PE 的記者會聲音是歷年來我能夠聽到的聲音檔中最沈著最溫柔的聲音,我常抓那段錄音當背景音練英聽~超~好~聽~聽到人會融化~

FrenchGirl 提到...

funny! there is a message board about his "cruel" look on his IMDB board
I think he has a f**king beautiful face like Gregory Peck

Marco 提到...

I saw the thread also. I think the reason that guy said Bale has a cruel face... because of the role he chooses.

Of course, again, I totally agree with you. He has a f**king beautiful face. But I don't know who Gregory Peck is. :P