苦思不到今天到底要寫啥,開始翻著 Machinist 的照片,然後就看到了這張當初應該是從 Falco San 那邊取得的片場休息椅子照片。非常的簡略的書寫文字,配上有點滄桑的顏色,這種樸實的味道很對我的胃口。

平平是獨立製片,雖然導演在講評時不斷地喊窮,但比起 Machinist 的西班牙出資的窮困,美國出資的畢竟豪氣了點。看起來椅子高級很多,至少名字是用印刷的,而且手把上還有個置物袋。圖片畫質不太好,但還是看得出來上面的名字是 CHRISTIAN BALE。

這下看不到椅子了,只看得到他坐在椅子上。天... 他有這麼... 胖嗎?可惜看不到椅背,不然可能椅背上寫的還是 Bruce Wayne 而不是 Christian Bale 吧?
4 則留言:
"the machinist"s chair is as measly as Reznik's character! Poor tiny chair!
In Baleheads.com or IMDb discussion board, most of the baleheads say they can't stand Machinist because of Bale's terrible looking. However, I like Machinist quite a lot.
The color, the light, the skinny & poor Trevor. The story itself is not special, but the overall atmosphere is attractive to me.
I responded you an OT comment. Sometimes poor thing from indie film set makes everything cute...
eh! i love the movie for the same reasons