對 Christian Bale 發花癡記錄 & 不負責任翻譯
他的頭髮長了!!越來越有流浪漢的味道了(?)好想摸摸抓抓~~\\\不知道是不是因為有新片要拍, 這位大爺每次會改變自己的外貌都是因為拍片的關係...但現在不是應該進入蝙蝠3的拍片準備期了嗎? 還是說之後要剪出Wayne少爺帥帥的髮型所以現在要預先留長呢?嗚嗚身為粉絲這種時候也只能靠妄想來止渴了...orz||
today,CB was the example of "unfriendly" star with papararazzis by a french paparazzi in a french TV show.Hugh Jackman , Affleck/Garner and Tom Cruise were the example of "friendly" stars with paparazzis
kaoru,這已經不是 Dan Evans 了,這已經是當年他跟 Sibi 姊姊相識時的耶穌造型了。搞不好他要演出落魄的杯麵,所以才會變成流浪漢!?pomme,This is ridiculous! Mr. Bale was angry because his little girl was photoed. It is media which makes him an tempered actor. Damn media!
像這樣直接跑去學校堵人 連帶把其他家長小孩拍進去 很難不讓人惱火吧喜歡被拍的大有人在 就去拍拍喜歡上鏡頭的明星咩
verna,狗仔就是這樣咩。聽說 Sean 揍過狗仔... 原來這年頭罵粗話比動手打人還要罪孽深重呢。
i explained badly :the french paparazzi wanted to say he was protective and private with his family and he doesn't use paps the others actors named let paps to take pix because it's good for their images
pomme...That sounds nice. Thanks for explanation.I become skeptical when I saw one of the paps site "STARZLIFE" rises up his rant again. Grrrr...
7 則留言:
不知道是不是因為有新片要拍, 這位大爺每次會改變自己的外貌都是因為拍片的關係...
但現在不是應該進入蝙蝠3的拍片準備期了嗎? 還是說之後要剪出Wayne少爺帥帥的髮型所以現在要預先留長呢?
today,CB was the example of "unfriendly" star with papararazzis by a french paparazzi in a french TV show.
Hugh Jackman , Affleck/Garner and Tom Cruise were the example of "friendly" stars with paparazzis
這已經不是 Dan Evans 了,這已經是當年他跟 Sibi 姊姊相識時的耶穌造型了。搞不好他要演出落魄的杯麵,所以才會變成流浪漢!?
This is ridiculous! Mr. Bale was angry because his little girl was photoed. It is media which makes him an tempered actor. Damn media!
像這樣直接跑去學校堵人 連帶把其他家長小孩拍進去 很難不讓人惱火吧
喜歡被拍的大有人在 就去拍拍喜歡上鏡頭的明星咩
聽說 Sean 揍過狗仔... 原來這年頭罵粗話比動手打人還要罪孽深重呢。
i explained badly :the french paparazzi wanted to say he was protective and private with his family and he doesn't use paps
the others actors named let paps to take pix because it's good for their images
That sounds nice. Thanks for explanation.
I become skeptical when I saw one of the paps site "STARZLIFE" rises up his rant again. Grrrr...