拍片的某天,Christian Bale 開始玩起一隻蜘蛛。後來野外專家發現他在玩蜘蛛後,告訴他只要被那隻蜘蛛咬一口就足以致命。
(Dieter 逃出戰俘營後,Dieter 幾乎是以蛇之類的生物維生)Christian 其實被那隻他抓到的蛇給咬了。
(在 Dieter 被美軍營救坐上直升機的那幕)當士兵把巧克力棒遞給 Christian Bale 時,Herzog 的手跟鞋子跟著入鏡。(但是我沒能找到,不知道是不是後來修掉了)
(雖然他老爺因為 Machinist 大家都談著他的電影,因而讓電影被他的減重給遮蔽,所以他在 RD 宣傳期間對於減重幾公斤總是三緘其口)Christian Bale 為了 Dieter 這個角色減掉了 45 磅。(約 20 公斤)
If you have "Rescue Dawn" Blu-Ray Disc, you can try to activate "Before the Dawn: Mission Secrets" in "Special Features". There are some interesting information about this film & histories of the war and Laos.
During filming, Christian Bale began playing with a spider. When a wildlife expert spotted him, he was told the spider was poisonous enough to kill him with a single bite.
The snake Christian grabs actually bit him.
Herzog's hand and boot are in the frame as the soldier hands a candy bar to Christian Bale in the scene after Dieter got into the helicopter.
Christian Bale lost 45 pounds for the role as Dieter Dengler.
8 則留言:
還玩蜘蛛咧 我好怕蜘蛛(抖)
只要不碰蝸牛就好 那也太條直了吧 基本上去到那種荒郊野外 有毒的蟲啊植物一堆
是說他就是野小孩一個 要他不亂摸很痛苦吧
喔,還有。還拿著釣竿跟小演員去釣魚... 啊你還能說啥?
in France,there is no bonus on "rescue dawn" dvd so thank you for the news
There is no special features in France "Rescue Dawn" DVD?! The information I posted is in Blu-Ray only.
but there is no "rescue dawn" blu-ray in France!(LOL)it's why i say i don't know the bonus