感謝 Falco san 到全世界探險尋找 Mr. Bale 的足跡。在今天新出爐的記者訪談中提到的 dickeklund.com 中有 Bale 的蹤跡,也有 Bale 對 Dickie 的評語。
“Dicky takes no prisoners. He is the real deal & he will kick your ass into fighting shape. He’s tough & he’s relentless. He’s the energizer bunny. He’s also funny as hell. One way or another, your sides are gonna be splitting. In boxing, & in life, he has been over the edge, & come back laughing. Dicky will push you further than you ever thought possible, mentally & physically. Enter the ring with him at your own risk.” - Christian Bale
Dicky 是個極端的人。他是個了不起的人,他會瘋狂地訓練你成為拳擊手。他堅強而且永不放棄,他就像是那隻勁量電池的兔子般充滿活力。他也是個樂趣無限的人,你會被他的能量給擊垮。不管是在拳擊上,或者是在人生中,他都曾經犯下大錯,但他仍返回後來個大笑。Dicky 會將你推向極限,無論是生理上還是心裡上你不曾想像過的極限。當你要與他上場時,你最好顧好自己的性命。
ps: I'm so tired today, but there is so much Bale information... orz...