
Golden Globe Awards: Acceptance Speech

Christian Bale wins Golden Globe
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Thanks to Ferd. 
You are one of the best Baleheads!
Yeah, Fantastic. We’ve been spoiled rotten at that table over there. You know? We’re loving it. Thank you so much. Uh, thank’s to the HFPA--I never really knew who those guys were, I always left the press junkets going ‘Who were those guy--odd ball characters in that room? You know, they were all---I uh usually sat there and they would argue amongst themselves and I’d be going ‘hello? is anybody--uh- I’m here!’ And uh, now I know who you are and I- I- I- suddenly realize how wise and spectacular and perceptive those guys really are. You know? They give us this. They’re amazing! Uh, what a bunch of characters. And what a bunch of characters at that table right there. David O’Russell just fantastic and uh, yeah. Mark. Really gotta give a shout out to Mark because he drove this whole movie. And you can only give a loud performance like the one I gave when you have a quiet anchor. And um, a stoic character. And I’ve played that one many times, and it never gets any notice. The HFPA have nominated Mark for tonight so that’s fantastic, but thank you, Buddy. Kudos to you for that otherwise I wouldn’t have gotten away with it. Melissa and Amy, I hope they’re out of character otherwise there will be a punch up over the Best Supporting Actress, uh uh, later on. Jack McGee, Mickey O’Keefe, Uh, Ray and Jerry, all the people from Lowell, just fantastic. Thanks for letting us do it. The producers. Ryan, that was a deal we just made, that I would announce him personally, Ryan of realitivity, Paramount, David, Todd. Everybody involved. Scott Silver. The writers. Fantastic. And most of all, the family. Uh, thanks for letting us do this. Dickie and Micky. To Dickie, thanks, Mate. Thanks, Whacker. You know- You’re the best. And obviously, most important of all, my lovely wife right there, any man would just be--lucky as hell to be married to someone like her. And my little girl. Where’s a camera I can look at for her? She’s sitting at home. I love you, Darling. This one’s for you. Bye bye.

You know what? Robert DeNiro is sitting right here... ( Audio cuts off... :( )

這太好了,我們那桌每個人被提了名(應該是這個意思吧),我們很感激。感謝...呃...HFPA,我以前都不知道這群人是誰,因為我每次離開記者會之後就是在想著「那些傢伙,剛剛房中的那群怪人是誰啊。他們就... 我通常都坐在那邊看著那群人在那邊爭論,我得提醒『哈囉,誰可以回個音...我在這邊!』」

現在我搞清楚你們是誰了,我一瞬間理解到那些人有多睿智、多偉大、理解力有多好。那些人給了我們這個獎,他們真的太神奇了。我們那桌真的了不起,我們那邊的那桌真的很了不起。David O. Russell 是個神奇的導演。Mark,我們要給他最大的呼聲因為他主導了這部電影。在沈靜如他角色 Micky 的精神支持之下,我那吵鬧的演技才能夠被凸顯。說到沉默的角色,我演過很多沈靜的角色,他們都沒受到大家的注意,但 HFPA 注意到了 Mark 的演技也提名了他,那真的太好了。謝謝你了,老哥,要不是你,我沒辦法得到這個獎,榮耀歸你所有。

Melissa 還有 Amy,我希望她們已經不在角色中,不然你們會看到兩個女人為了最佳女配角的獎項互毆。還有,Jack McGee、Mickey O. Keefe、呃... Ray、Jerry 以及所有在 Lowell 的大家,你們都很棒,更感謝你們讓我們拍攝。製作人 Ryan,我們剛剛約定了,我會把你的名字特別拿出來講。Relativity 的 Ryan,派拉蒙,David、Todd,每個參與的人。Scott Silver,我們的編劇,你的劇本太好了。最後,那個家庭,感謝 Dickie 及 Micky 讓我們製作這部電影。給 Dickie,我的好兄弟,你是最棒的。最最重要的是在那邊我心愛的妻子,有她在我身邊,我就是世界上最幸運的男人。還有我的小女兒。哪一台攝影機可以讓我看著她?她坐在家裡。親愛的,我愛妳,這個獎屬於你。掰掰。


8 則留言:

coco 提到...

Yes,太興奮啦,post 錯篇.哈哈

Next step Oscar!!!

wow 提到...

我都哭了~!!太激動了~老大看起來也很興奮,動作,話都超可愛~屁股都還沒做熱,就上台領獎囉! =)

發條橘子汁 提到...

Bale超帥的啦~他太適合穿全黑的西裝了 我特別喜歡一開始講得獎感言那邊 他一邊扣釦子一邊梳頭髮~吼~迷死人啦~>///<

Marco 提到...



kaoru 提到...

我這兩天一直看著他出席這兩場的照片心想"這到底是誰啊...", 真不習慣看他穿這麼帥(喂)XDDbb
今天看到新聞真的超開心的! 雖然馬上就跑到Marco這裡但無奈在辦公室處處驚險(?)實在不方便留言, 結果下班回家一看果然留言數目驚人啊XDD~~
總之, 恭喜貝爾! 也恭喜全世界的Baleheads!

Marco 提到...

kaoru chan!
Nei! Nei! 好高興對不對。
這兩天早上都在哭的 Marco

verna 提到...

爽 ~~~~~ 哈哈哈

Marco 提到...
