
Christian Bale Takes His Family to Cirque du Soleil

Thanks to BaleGasm (in Facebook) for sharing this cute information.

前幾天就有 twitter 以及 David Copperfield 透露了 Bale 全家到 Las Vagas 玩的消息,昨天甚至連 People.com 也報導了。內容如下:
Christian Bale spent quality time with his family in Las Vegas – taking in Cirque du Soleil's Ka at the MGM Grand with his wife Sibi and their daughter. The group enjoyed popcorn and water during the performance before heading backstage to meet the cast. According to a source, the Dark Knight Rises actor was very complimentary and gracious during the backstage meet and greet. – Mark Gray
(Christian Bale 與家人在賭城渡過了極有品質的時光 - 與妻子 Sibi 以及女兒觀賞了 Cirque du Soleil's Ka。在觀賞秀的同時,他們吃了爆米花喝了水,之後也到後台與表演者見面。有人說,這位演員十分讚賞演出的內容,也以親切的態度表示他對表演者的敬佩。)

根據 Falco San 找到的資料,那家子特別喜歡 Wheel of Death 的表演項目。這場秀是這樣的喔。

前幾天 EMPIRE Magazine 其實有更好品質的掃描,在這邊:

1 則留言:

wow 提到...

去賭城除了看秀,應該也要小賭一下唷!~ :)