
David Copperfield and Christian Bale Met in Las Vagas (11/18?)

Pomme, Thank you!

Source: David Copperfield

David Copperfield: It was an honor to have one of the greatest actors of my lifetime at the show tonight.

與我同年代的都知道,大衛魔術的有趣以及神奇。David Copperfield 曾經把自由女神變不見,因為這樣他成為了全球最有名的魔術師。相信 Bale 國小國中時候也看過他的表演,也對他有一定的崇拜。所以,搞不好他用他自己特殊的身分,要求要與這位大魔術師見面呢!

在 Prestige 的職員表上,David Copperfield 也在製作人的感謝名單喔!可能是請他當魔術方面的顧問吧?搞不好也是 Bale 用這個機緣,與 David 見了面也說不定。

另外在 Las Vagas Review Journal 也有相關報導喔!
Oscar winner Christian Bale, backstage with his family at "KÀ" (MGM Grand) on Friday. They got a visit from the starfish puppet. He has been filming "The Dark Knight Rises." Their weekend plans included a motocross event
(奧斯卡得主 Christian Bale 與家人在星期五當天出現在米高梅大酒店"KÀ"。海星布偶也拜訪了他們一家人。他才剛拍完『黑暗騎士-黎明再起』。他們這個週末的計畫還包括摩托車越野賽)

4 則留言:

FrenchGirl 提到...

CB looks lovely very sweet here

Marco 提到...


I think maybe Christian Bale watched David Copperfield making Statue of Liberty disappear when he was young.

wow 提到...


Marco 提到...

